• 大脑的地图:一场视觉的旅程
  • Atlas van ons Brein (The Atlas of the Brain)
  • 作者:Lara Wierenga & Dirma Janse
  • 出版社代理人:Lannoo(比利时)
  • 出版时间:2022年10
  • 页数:256页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


透过简美的文字以及细腻的插图来发现关于人类大脑的最新发现!本书是来自University of Leiden 脑神经科学家以及TU Delft资讯设计师的合作,完美结合科学以及美学!

脑神经科学家Lara Wierenga是在她的领域里最具潜力的年轻科学家之一,她和平面设计师Dirma Janse在这本书中结合她们的力量来帮助读者们了解自己最重要的器官:大脑。



Lara Wierenga is a neuroscientist and lecturer at the University of Leiden. She specializes in the brain development of children. Among other things, she researches why boys have ADHD more often than girls, what music classes teach us about the growth of the brain and what our first love tells us about the workings of the teenage brain.

Dirma Janse is a graphic designer and specializes in infographics and scientific visualisations. She looks for visual solutions to display complex information more clearly to the wider public. She’s a lecturer of Science Vision at TU Delft and also worked for Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad.