• 气候幽灵:人类世的迁徙物种
  • Climate Ghosts
  • 作者:Nancy Langston
  • 出版社代理人:Brandeis University Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2021年10月
  • 页数:208页(15幅彩图丶7幅地图丶5幅黑白插图)
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com


环境历史学家Nancy Langston 探索了五大湖流域(Great Lakes watershed)中的三种「幽灵物种」——林地驯鹿丶普通潜鸟和湖鲟。 幽灵物种是指那些尚未完全灭绝的物种,尽管这些濒危物种可能会从特定地区灭绝,但它们的痕迹无论是在 DNA 中,或在分散的小种群中,还是在荒凉之地上漫游寻找配偶的孤独个体中,仍然存在着。 如果我们为它们的生存做出必要的艰难选择,我们仍然可以复育这些濒危物种。 在这本经过精心研究的书中,作者深入探讨了气候变化和人类如何冲击影响目前现称的幽灵物种。本书涵盖了目前这个时代的关键议题之一。



Nancy Langston 美国密歇根理工大学(Michigan Technological University)环境历史系的杰出教授,也是一名环境历史学家兼生态学家。除了发表过众多学术期刊文章外,也出版过许多着作。她是美国环境史学会的前任主席,也是该领域旗舰期刊《环境史》(Environmental History)的前主编。

"The most recent addition to The Mandel Lectures in the Humanities at Brandeis University series, Prof. Langston brings her readers a profound message of both warning and encouragement to action, of the potential for tragedy and the potential for renewal. While what has already happened cannot be changed, what happens next can be; but to act wisely, an understanding of these species in and of themselves as well as their existence in their environment must be achieved. Climate Ghosts is clearly a step towards such knowledge."

― The Well-read Naturalist


"Climate Ghosts is as much a call to address the violent and ongoing legacies of settler colonial racism, as it is to salvage particular animals and ecosystems in decline. This is a must read book—written with humility, head, and heart."

-- Brinda Sarathy, University of Washington Bothell


“Nancy Langston has written a stunning work of environmental history that illuminates the challenges facing wildlife vulnerable to climate change. While the book carries a dire warning, Langston draws hope from recent restoration programs, arguing that species on the brink should not be written off as doomed."

-- John Sandlos, Memorial University of Newfoundland


“By centering Indigenous rights and values, Langston shows how we can deepen our relationships with other human beings, and with fish, birds, and mammals; she understands each other as relatives. Climate Ghosts challenges us to engage critically with Indigenous dispossession, ecosystem change, and species restoration.”

-- Michael Dockry, University of Minnesota


“Maang, nme, adik (loon, sturgeon, caribou) are our older siblings. To the Anishnabek, these are relatives with as much right to be here as we have, and to treat a relative as a ‘resource’ is shameful. In this impassioned and detailed account, Nancy Langston shows how our lifeways are harming our siblings. She makes clear what will happen not only to our older siblings but to ourselves if we do not change."

-- Kathie Brosemer, Environmental Director, Sault Tribe