• 永无止境:人类与微生物的战争
  • Duel Without End: Mankind‘s Battle with Microbes
  • 作者:Stig S. Frøland
  • 出版社代理人:Reaktion(英国)
  • 出版时间:2022年4月
  • 页数:632页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com

在这本最新且全面的书中,我们了解到黑死病、天花、西班牙流感和其他造成大流行的疾病,如何带来巨大的痛苦和大规模死亡,以及如何促成帝国的垮台并改变历史。 我们还了解到 HIV/AIDS 和 COVID-19等新传染病是如何出现的。


人类已经对微生物进行了反击——抗生素和疫苗挽救了数百万人的生命——但我们与这些无情、沉默的敌人的战斗,离胜战还遥遥无期。 我们眼前有越来越多全新和不可避免的流行病、抗生素耐药性和完全陌生的微生物威胁。 《永无止境:人类与微生物的战争》讲述漫长的人类感染史,从生命的出现到人类未来对深空的探索。



‘A masterpiece on man’s battle with microbes . . . Every page gives a wealth of new information on the history of man from the perspective of infectious diseases. If you only buy a single book this year, buy this one. It will change your view on world history for ever.’ – Elin Ørjasæter, Nettavisen 


‘An excellent book on the large pandemics through history . . . demonstrates 

in a brilliant way how modern biomedical research has contributed to the battle against microbes.’ – Nils Chr. Stenseth, Professor of Ecology and Evolution, University of Oslo, and Albert Einstein Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences 


‘An exciting, interesting and thorough survey of the battle with microbes throughout our entire history . . . [written in] elegant and accessible language which is comprehensible to everyone . . . a magnificent work.’– Håkon Sjursen, Professor of Infectious Diseases, University of Bergen, Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association 


‘Frøland takes us on a fascinating journey through hundreds of thousands of years, from the dawn of humanity to the exploration of space. The book con- tains a wealth of interesting information and historical descriptions which makes it both easy to read and thrilling. It is difficult to put it down.’– Bård Hauge, Dagen 



Stig S. Frøland 是奥斯陆大学医学系的荣誉教授。他是一位传染病和免疫学专家,撰写了两本关于爱滋病毒的书籍。