• 可怕的微生物
  • Monstrous Microbes
  • 作者:Geert Bouckaert、 Sebastiaan Van Doninck、Marc Van Ranst
  • 出版社代理人: Lannoo(比利时)
  • 出版时间:2020年4月
  • 页数:64页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人: cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
在这个非常时期, 病毒学教授Marc Van Ranst根据最常被问到的病毒与细菌相关问题,写了这本让每个小朋友都能了解相关重要资讯的书。
Geert Bouckaert 统整了与微生物有关的有趣且基本的问题。
Sebastiaan Van Doninck 为这本书画了生动活泼的美丽插画。
Marc Van Ranst 是天主教鲁汶大学的微生物及免疫学教授。他常受邀在媒体上就自己的专业发表对相关问题的看法与建议,他也是目前比利时政府邀请的抗役团队谘询成员之一。
What are microbes and what do they do? 
  1. Are microbes the same as bacteria? 
  2. Where do microbes occur? 
  3. Where do microbes come from? 
  4. How do microbes look like? 
  5. Which microbes are the most useful for humans? 
How do the monsters spread out? And how do I attack them? 
  1. Is there a difference between male and female bacteria? 
  2. Can bacteria survive on the North Pole? 
  3. Why do I need to wash my hands before dinner? 
  4. What are antibiotics? 
  5. What happens when I have an injection? 
Why does the influenza virus keep coming back? 
  1. How many types of influenza viruses exist?
  2. How do I catch the flu? 
  3. What is the stomach flu? 
  4. Is a cold also a flu? 
  5. Can humans catch the bird flu as well? 
Which microbes are real killers?
  1. Which virus causes aids? 
  2. What is the plague? 
  3. How do you catch malaria? 
  4. What are the meanest viruses? 
  5. Which viruses have been conquered by humans? 
Become a microbiologist yourself
Test 1: grow your own bacteria!
Test 2: what happens when you wash your hands? 
Test 3: the use of the skin
Test 4: the trick with the potato
Test 5: make living yoghurt yourself