• 隐形的彩虹:电力与生命的故事
  • The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
  • 作者:Arthur Firstenberg
  • 出版社代理人:Chelsea Green Publishing(美国)
  • 出版时间:2020年3月
  • 页数:576页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
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电力改变了现代世界。 但是它如何影响我们的健康和环境?
过去的220年中,社会逐渐形成了一种普遍的观念,即电力对于人类和地球都是“安全的”。 科学家兼记者Arthur Firstenberg从环境的角度出发,用前所未有的方式讲述电力的故事,详细阐述了这样根深蒂固的观念对我们的健康和地球所造成的影响,进而破除这种错误的观念。
“Few individuals today are able to grasp the entirety of a scientific subject and present it in a highly engaging manner, in plain English, without losing any of the details. In The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg has done just that with one of the most pressing but neglected problems of our technological age. This book, which as a medical doctor I found hard to put down, explores the relationship between electricity and life from beginning to end: from the early eighteenth century to today, and from the point of view of the physician, the physicist, and the average person in the street. Firstenberg makes a compelling case that the major diseases of civilization―heart disease, diabetes, and cancer―are in large part related to the pollution of our world by electricity.”―Bradley Johnson, MD, Amen Clinic, San Francisco
The Invisible Rainbow is wonderful. Firstenberg has done his research thoroughly. His book is easily readable and provocative while being entertaining. A remarkable contribution.”―David O. Carpenter, MD, director, Institute for Health and the Environment, School of Public Health, State University of New York at Albany
“I found it to be a mystery unfolding and could not put it down. It shines a new light on diseases that come from electrical development, and addresses current environmental crises that only a few yet realize are the consequence of electrosmog. This book is very, very important.”―Sandy Ross, PhD, president, Health and Habitat, Inc.
“I was stunned by this book. It is an extremely valuable document about an increasingly widespread environmental health risk to which we are all exposed. I am overwhelmed with admiration for what Firstenberg has accomplished.”―William E. Morton, MD, DrPH, professor emeritus, Oregon Health Sciences University
“Firstenberg is a pioneer in the sense that Rachel Carson was a pioneer.”―Chellis Glendinning, PhD, author of When Technology Wounds
Arthur Firstenberg是一位科学家和新闻工作者,他一直致力于破除与这个主题有关的迷信和禁忌。 从康奈尔大学斐陶斐荣誉学会 (Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa)
获得数学学位后,他于1978年至1982年就读于加州大学尔湾分校医学院。X射线过量造成的伤害缩短了他的医学生涯。 在过去的38年中,他一直是电磁辐射对健康和环境影响的研究人员、顾问和讲师,同时还从事了数种艺术治疗。