• 找回记忆
  • In Pursuit of Memory: The Fight Against Alzheimer
  • 作者:Joseph Jebelli 
  • 出版社代理人:John Murray (英国)
  • 出版时间: 2017年六月
  • 页数:320页
  • 已售版权:巴西、义大利、罗马尼亚
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com

本书作者神经科学家Joseph Jebelli就是其中一名投入研究的人。他下定决心要拯救其他的家庭,不让别人经历他所经历过的一切,所以他着手写了这本书,解释发生在自己祖父身上的事。《找回记忆》讲的不只是这种疾病的故事,作者剖析检视阿兹海默病症如何对人脑产生影响,并交织历史及科学,极欲找出解答。作者带着我们回到十九世纪的德国、战后的英国、新几内亚的巴布亚丛林、以科学验证为名的日本,然后走遍美国、印度、中国、冰岛、瑞典和哥伦比亚。这些来自世界各地的科学家和勇敢的病患及他们的家人,都是为这个病症做出贡献的英雄,因为他们改变了研究学者看待这种疾病的观点。
Jebelli令人动容的自身故事,不仅让我们了解他为什么会一直对找出治愈方法抱持着希望, 同时也告诉我们,现在这个时候,我们能做的最佳防卫,就是要了解这种疾病!《找回记忆》 绝对是一本讲述阿兹海默病症的过去、现在与未来的权威书籍!
Joseph Jebelli's wonderfully clear, vividly readable and comprehensive survey of the search for a cure . . . The world is closing in on Alzheimer's. There is nowhere left for it to hide (THE TIMES)

A fascinating quest at the frontiers of neuro-degeneration... and a moving, sober and forensic study of the past, present and future of Alzheimer's from the point of view of a neurologist who has lived with the disease, at home and in the lab, from a very young age. The story Jebelli tells illustrates the tantalising mystery of Alzheimer's: it's both highly visible yet agonizingly elusive...a timely analysis [that] might give comfort. (ROBERT McCRUM OBSERVER)

A riveting debut... the very human story of the disease that is now an epidemic (BOOKSELLER, SCIENCE BOOK OF THE MONTH)

In Pursuit of Memory is a remarkable combination of fine writing, personal honesty and deep scientific insight - about a devastating and baffling disease that is becoming all too common. Jebelli weighs up all the evidence and all the theories about Alzheimer's and even allows us a glimpse of optimism about a cure (MATT RIDLEY)

An accessible, diligently researched and well-travelled overview of the disease that is more deadly than cancer. Jebelli poignantly weaves the current science with the tragic stories of affected families, not least his own (SUNDAY TIMES)

The definitive portrait of Alzheimer's disease - an illness that is rapidly becoming the defining plague of the 21st century (Big Issue)

On the surface it's about Alzheimer's disease but more than that it demonstrates how challenging it is to understand the brain (Suzanne O'Sullivan Observer, Best Holiday Reads)

On the surface it's about Alzheimer's disease but more than that it demonstrates how challenging it is to understand the brain (Suzanne O'Sullivan Best Holiday Reads, GUARDIAN)
Joseph Jebelli是一位30岁的英国神经科学家和作家。他是在伦敦大学学院攻读神经生物博士学位的时候,开始研究这种疾病的,他正努力找出利用身体的免疫系统阻止这种疾病进程的方法。他为英国《卫报》及《惠康基金会》撰写文章。这是他第一本书。