• 今天你听鸟叫了吗?
  • Tweet of the Day: A Year of Britain's Birds from the Acclaimed Radio 4 Series
  • 作者:Brett Westwood、Stephen Moss
  • 出版社代理人:John Murray(英国)
  • 出版时间:2014年6月精装初版
  • 页数:336页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
***荣获2015年汤森路透奖(Thomson Reuters prize)***
有人就有鸟,有鸟就听的见鸟鸣。听见鸟鸣让人愉悦(也让人放松),不论是听见在潮湿的十月夜晚迁徙的白眉歌鸫叹息、四月在南非出生只会啾啾叫的小燕子,或是五月布谷鸟的叫声,我们靠着这些声音知道这个世界依然在运转。Brett Westwood 与 Stephen Moss 按照英国广播公司第四电台(Radio 4)拨了一年且最受欢迎的节目为脚本,再加入两人毕生的知识、见解与热情,带着所有读者了解我们钟爱的鸟类,看牠们生活的转变。几乎终生都在飞翔的鹰穿梭在海崖与摩天大楼间;迷人的金翅雀与爱咕哝的椋鸟;这本书充满独特的见解还有你绝对忘不了的事实。
 (图片 © Carry Akroyd)
This lovely book is a perfect introduction to British birdsong, informative and hugely enjoyable, so stop tweeting and learn how to listen to the experts (Chris Packham)
I love these quirky, informative and lyrical descriptions. Reading this book makes me want to head out to see and hear the birds for myself (Miranda Krestovnikoff, Presenter of Coast and President of the RSPB)
This handsome book [is] perfect for dipping into . . . The beautiful prose and inspired illustrations by Carry Ackroyd make it a volume to treasure (BBC Countryfile)
Tweet of the Day: great idea, great title. Why didn't I think of it? (Bill Oddie)
[Tweet of the Day] . . . is a pleasure to read. The different, short, accounts of over 200 species are varied in tone and approach but combine to make a lovely book . . . you can dip at any time for a quick moment of bringing birds and their songs into your life. But when you dip you will find yourself reading the next account, and then the next. You may find that opening this book is like opening a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits - you'll be surprised how far through the packet you'll get on one sitting (but it's not fattening - unless you really do eat a biscuit with each species and then it will be!) (Mark Avery)
The perfect bird guide for the armchair naturalist (Woman & Home)
If you want to improve your ornithological knowledge without the 5:58am wake-up required to catch Tweet of the Day on Radio 4 reach for the show's companion book (Radio Times)
Entertaining and often beguiling . . . The lively writing, enlightening anecdotes and frequent bursts of humour make this the ideal source of conversation topics if you run out of things to say while visiting the relatives (BBC Focus Magazine, Books of the Year)
Tweet of the Day: great idea, great title. Why didn't I think of it? (Bill Oddie)
This lovely book is a perfect introduction to British birdsong, informative and hugely enjoyable, so stop tweeting and learn how to listen to the experts (Chris Packham)
I love these quirky, informative and lyrical descriptions. Reading this book makes me want to head out to see and hear the birds for myself (Miranda Krestovnikoff, Presenter of Coast and President of the RSPB)
[Tweet of the Day] works very well and is a pleasure to read. The different, short, accounts of over 200 species are varied in tone and approach but combine to make a lovely book . . . you can dip at any time for a quick moment of bringing birds and their songs into your life. But when you dip you will find yourself reading the next account, and then the next. You may find that opening this book is like opening a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits - you'll be surprised how far through the packet you'll get on one sitting (but it's not fattening - unless you really do eat a biscuit with each species and then it will be!) (Mark Avery)
Brett Westwood 是一名获奖的制作人、演讲者与自然学者。他介绍了《自然的历史》广播系列。他还有其他广受好评的广播系列节目,有Tweet of the Day (2014年最佳广播系列节目) 与Brett Westwood's Diaries。他也是英国广播电视系列节目Springwatch 与 Autumnwatch的顾问。
Stephen Moss 是一名电视制作人也是一名畅销作家,他的作品包括Wild Hares and Hummingbirds 与 The Bumper Book of Nature。 他和Brett 共同撰写的Tweet of the Day获得了2014年的汤森路透奖。他的电视作品包括Birds Britannia, Britain's Big Wildlife Revival与 Springwatch。