• 穿越时光与星际旅行:一本快速穿越时空的科学指南
  • Time Travel and Warp Drives: A Scientific Guide to Shortcuts through Time and Space
  • 作者:Allen Everett、Thomas Roman
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2013年4月
  • 页数:278页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
现今的尖端物理或许还无法回答这些问题,但它确实提供了一些引人入胜的可能性。无论我们是否能强迫自己接受这些概念, Allen Everett与Thomas A. Roman都在《穿越时光与星际旅行》中带领读者进行一场清楚明了的导览,让我们知道人类目前对时间与空间的了解有多少。两位作者用高中程度以下的数学,为爱因斯坦的狭义相对论做了平易近人的解释,接着再探讨在时间中来回旅行的基本差异以及回到过去和超越光速之旅行之间惊人的理论关连性。他们调查了各种穿越时光与星际旅行的可能性,包括虫洞与曲速泡(warp bubbles)。本书中有一个章节是作者们的创作,他们想像,要是穿越时空是可能的,那这个世界可能会一团乱,因为你可能会错杀了自己的爷爷!
本书中所演示的关键概念影片请见以下网址: www.press.uchicago.edu/sites/timewarp.
"Marvelously accessible." (Chicago Tribune)
"Relying only minimally on technical jargon and formulas, the authors open to view the exciting conceptual prospects for designing a time machine capable of slipping backward through the centuries and of riding faster-than-light warp bubbles through the cosmos.... Armchair scientists share the thrill of peeking into the universe's deepest secrets. Penetrating science illuminates humankind's most audacious dreams." (Booklist)
“In recent years, a number of books have taken on real science that sounds like science fiction. Unfortunately, most are frothy concoctions that leave the serious reader unsatisfied. This is all the more reason to celebrate the arrival of Time Travel and Warp Drives—a deeply informed, richly detailed yet immensely readable account of science at the frontiers, by two physicists who know the territory. For well over a decade Allen Everett and Thomas Roman have been charting the strange realms of negative energy, twisted spacetime, temporal paradoxes, and travel between universes. In a wonderfully written and especially timely account, they share with us what they’ve learned. Time Travel and Warp Drives deserves a place on the shelf between Greene’s The Elegant Universe and Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.”(David Toomey, author of The New Time Travelers: A Journey to the Frontiers of Physics)
“There have been plenty of light popularizations of the puzzling physics of time. This book stands out in its depth and range. Written by two who have done the calculations, followed the field, and thought about what it all means, it leads the reader through the byzantine labyrinths of current theory. I found it enlightening and fun to read. If you have time for one book in this field, let it be this one.”(Gregory Benford, author of Timescape)
"I have been searching for years for a book like this. With Time Travel and Warp Drives, Everett and Roman have written an illuminating exploration of the physics of time travel. What sets this book apart, however, is that the authors do not rely on analogies or metaphors. They actually explain the underlying science in a clear and accessible way. My search is over: this book is my new guide to a place stranger than science fiction--our universe."( Charles Yu, author of How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe)
"Everett and Roman are physicists who have probed the theoretical possibilities of time travel. Their expertise shines."( Science News)
 "Whenever anyone asks me whether time travel is possible, or rapid insterstellar travel via spacewarps is possible, I send them to this book.  It is the best source of answers at a level accessible to nonexperts."( Kip Thorne, author of Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy | Feynman Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology)
Allen Everett 是塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)的物理学荣誉教授。 Thomas Roman是中康乃狄克州立大学数学科学系的教授。他们两人都在大学里教授穿越时空物理学。