• 全球共和国:美国如何不经意地升成世界的超级大国
  • 作者:Frank Ninkovich
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago Press (美国)
  • 出版时间:2014年10月
  • 页数:368页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
美国已经在全球舞台上占有了好几十年的优势。美国的经济权威、强大的外交政策以及他们在国际机构上的领先地位常常被认为是它多年来慢慢成为世界超级国家的结果。也有很多人相信美国的例外论——也就是相信美国是历史上独一无二的国家的理念——是他们许多政治、军事以及国际上重要决策的来源。作者Frank Ninkovich不同意。
Frank Ninkovich是我们这个时代最重要以及有卓越的历史学家之一,这本书是他最有野心以及广阔的一本书。他认为在历史上,美国发展的动力并不是因为它相信这是上帝所命或者美国人有一种独特的特征让他们比其他人更想要强大,而是因为它需要在国际化的地球上生存。他认为美国的外交政策从很久以前就根据在以及纠缠在全球战斗的问题上,同时也相信全球化跟我们所谓的国际社会其实是不一样的,他们有时候甚至是直接冲突的。

Frank Ninkovich是纽约圣约翰大学的荣誉退休历史教授。他写过许多本书,包括:Modernity and Power以及The Wilsonian Century,两本都是由University of Chicago Press出版。他最近出版的一本书是Global Down: The Cultural Foundation of American Internationalism.
John Milton Cooper, author of Woodrow Wilson: A Biography
“‘Marvelous’ is the word to characterize this book. It is a MARVELDescription: http://cdncache1-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png of insight, reflection, and analysis. Displaying the erudition, depth, and wit that readers have long since come to expect from him, Ninkovich has produced a strikingly original account of the United States’s two centuries of experience in the world. He combines ascents to heights of philosophical discourse with consistent exercise in down-to-earth skepticism toward ideologies and intellectual constructs, including his own emphasis on globalism. No one who cares about America and the world can afford not to read this book.”
Thomas Zeiler | University of Colorado
“For decades, Ninkovich has pioneered profound and sweeping works on the history of American foreign relations, most notably on the complex interaction of culture, writ large, on diplomacy. This book is no exception. Ninkovich explores how America rose to power, buffeted by the winds of globalization that shaped its culture, society, and ideology. His conceptualization moves beyond new and old approaches by placing the United States not just in the world, but in a global society. The scholarship is sound, the grasp on theory is breathtaking, and the method of weaving together external and internal transformative forces is original. This tour de force situates the author among the intellectual leaders of international relations history.”
David C. Engerman | Brandeis University
“Frank Ninkovich has done it again. The Global Republic offers a wide-ranging and original account of America’s place in the modern world. A pioneer in bringing culture to the study of American foreign relations, Ninkovich deftly weaves together culture, politics, and economics in this impressive and counterintuitive analysis of what did—and didn't—make the United States an exceptional world power.”
David Ekbladh | Tufts University
“We often now speak of ‘America in the World’ and Ninkovich has firmly put the world in the nation’s history.  His provocative book challenges us to move beyond the categories of American exceptionalism that historians have too often leaned upon to see globalization, and the ability of the United States to ride and guide its waves, as a decisive force in the nation’s status in the world.”
Times Higher EDUCATIONDescription: http://cdncache1-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png
"Frank Ninkovich’s The Global Republic . . . illuminates recent events and forecasts trajectories without pandering or prejudice. It eschews cheap shots for subtle insights. It is passionate and dispassionate. It is great history."

Chapter One: Provincial Prelude
Chapter Two: Global Society and the Challenge to Exceptionalism
Chapter Three: Gaining Entrée: The United States Joins the Club
Chapter Four: The Wilsonian Anomaly; or, The Three Faces of Wilsonianism
Chapter Five: Restarting Global Society in the 1920s
Chapter Six: The War for International Society: The Coming of World War II
Chapter Seven: Economics versus Politics in the Reinvention of International Society
Chapter Eight: Ideology and Culture as Ingredients of the Cold War
Chapter Nine: Americanization, Globalization, and the End of the Cold War
Chapter Ten: Global Aftermath

Concluding Thoughts
Appendix: Historians and Exceptionalism