本书 1979年首次出版,Clifford Geertz 的摩洛哥市集论文是经典的民族志作品,生动刻画了经济、社会与宗教生活在繁忙交易中的相互交织。Geertz 在摩洛哥中阿特拉斯山脉的塞夫鲁镇进行多年田野调查,透过观察市集的交易,他探究了不同背景的参与者如何评估他人商品、言语以及交易方式的价值和意义。他指出,经济学家所强调的“市场资讯搜寻”在这里更依赖于对社会关系的细腻评估,并深深嵌入市场镇与其周边社群的制度环境之中。
Geertz对市集(sūq)的描绘,为读者提供了丰富的洞见,成为民族志理论研究的重要典范。多年来该作品久未再版,此次由 Lawrence Rosen 重新编辑并导读,以单行本形式再次问世,使这篇民族志佳作得以重现于世。
作者 Clifford Geertz
曾任美国新泽西州普林斯顿高等研究院社会科学Harold F. Linder讲座教授,是二十世纪最著名的人类学家之一。他著作丰富,专注于经济与社会的文化研究。
“At a time when there is a desperate need for better understandings of the Muslim world, this essay by Clifford Geertz, brilliantly introduced by his fieldwork partner and colleague Lawrence Rosen, once again illustrates the importance of cultural anthropology in providing insights into different peoples and places. This is anthropology at its best.” -- Akbar Ahmed, author of "Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity"
“This remarkable book is a tribute to Geertz’s capacity to combine observation, interpretation, and comparison. It is a product of the first phase of his long career, when his main inspirations were from Max Weber and his colleagues at the Committee for the Study of New Nations at The University of Chicago. Geertz’s analysis of the bazaar remains unmatched in its attention to social detail and its cultural grasp of an economic form.“ -- Arjun Appadurai, author of "Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance"
“The brilliance of 'Sūq" lies in its analysis of terms well-known in anthropology, but usually for their political valences (broker, clientelism, dependency); the way it shows their pertinence in the marketplace and demonstrates how exchange is so much more than a merely economic transaction. Geertz demonstrates how the bazaar is a cultural form, emblematic of society, an ‘analytic idea’ as much as an institution.“ -- Deborah James, author of "Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa"