• 《酷儿传说》
  • Queer as Folklore
  • 作者:Sacha Coward
  • 出版社代理人:Unbound (英国)
  • 出版时间:2024年11月
  • 页数:352页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com





作者 // Sacha Coward 是一位研究员丶历史学家和公共演说家。他在博物馆和遗产领域工作了 15 年,为世界各地的博物馆丶墓地丶档案馆和城市举办以 LGBTQ+ 历史为主题的巡回展览。他曾在各种电视丶广播和播客节目中担任专题节目企划,并撰写了有关图灵定律丶彩虹旗丶卡拉瓦乔的画作和维京墓葬等各种主题的文章。https://www.sachacoward.com/


"A magically queer celebration of darkness and light – these are the bedtime stories we have been waiting to read!" — Professor Paul Baker, author of Fabulosa!

"Such a clever title, such a fascinating book. If history is normally written by our masters then it’s good to be reminded that the myths and legends of folklore are foremost imagined and passed down by the common people, revealing a wealth of queerness that the official historians chose not to talk about. I learned something fascinating on every page." — Christine Burns MBE

"An increasingly seductive journey into the queer underbelly of our culture's oldest stories, which does the important, sustaining work of writing queer people back into the idea of the traditional." — Dr Kit Heyam, author of Before We Were Trans

"This book is a joy and a revelation. I have forever been obsessed with myths, legends and the occult ever since I was little. This gives a strong argument for why. It’s also really inspiring! Where’s my makeup brush?" — Divina De Campo, English drag queen, singer, and actor, best known for competing in the first series of RuPaul's Drag Race UK

"Mind-bogglingly compendious, queer as hell, and beautifully tender to all us fairies, unicorns and misunderstood demons. In showing us the dazzling queerness of our fantasy realms, Sacha Coward has written a triumphant celebration of queer lives in the real world." — Will Tosh, author of Straight Acting: The Many Queer Lives of William Shakespeare

"Like discovering a wardrobe that leads to a magical realm, Queer as Folklore is a thrilling journey through spellbinding myths and legends. Sacha Coward's meticulously researched tome is absolutely irresistible, like a personal guided tour through centuries of magic and monsters and mayhem. I felt like I'd been invited to spend the night in the most exciting wing of a museum – one that everyone deserves to see. This book is a marvellous gift to anyone drawn to the strange, the enchanting, and the queer." — Matt Baume, podcaster and author of Hi Honey, I'm Homo

"A delightful celebration of the fantastical and the familiar; the weird and the wonderful. Told with great humour, empathy, and love. A glorious folkloric hug for those who have always felt different." — Rhianna Pratchett, video game writer and journalist

"One delight after another. Told with an open heart, a questing curiosity, and a healthy sense of mischief, Queer as Folklore is essential for every seeker of hidden histories." — Patrick Ness, American-British author, journalist, lecturer, and screenwriter. 
