• 奇幻
  • Fantasy: The Book of the British Library Exhibition
  • 作者:Tanya Kirk and Matthew Sangster
  • 出版社代理人:British Library(英国)
  • 出版时间:2023年10月
  • 页数:240页包括130张全彩图
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


*本书前言很有可能由Neil Gaiman撰写(他是策展人之一,目前还没百分百确定但可能性非常高)


本书分成四大部:Fairy and Folk Tales; Epics and Quests; Weird and Uncanny; Portals and Worlds,透过这些类型的作品来带领读者走上一趟英语奇幻经典作的旅程。我们从奇幻作品在启示时代的开始,再到它的黄金时代(1940年代-1950年代),到它的衰退以及重新崛起,最后到现代作品以及如何衍生到电游市场。书中讨论的作者包括: J.R.R. Tolkien, Octavia E. Butler, Marlon James, C.S. Lewis, Ursula K. LeGuin, Angela Carter, George R.R. Martin, H.P Lovecraft, Naomi Novik以及更多。



Tanya Kirk is Lead Curator of Printed Heritage Collections 1601–1900. She has edited collections for British Library Tales of the Weird, including Spirits of the Season and Chill Tidings.

Dr Matthew Sangster is Senior Lecturer in Romantic Studies, Fantasy and Cultural History at the University of Glasgow, where he teaches on the UK’s only MA course in Fantasy.




1: Fairy and Folk Tales

Terri Windling on folk tales, fairy lore and the remaking of traditions (4000 words)

Cristina Bacchilega on fairy stories and the world’s wonder tales (4000 words)

Rachel Foss on Tolkien’s ‘On Fairy-Stories’ (1000 words)

Greg Buzwell on Angela Carter (1000 words)

Marina Warner on tbc (1000 words)

2: Epics and Quests

Robert Maslen on quests (4000 words)

Sofia Samatar on epics (4000 words)

Susan Reed on tbc (1000 words)

Maria Dahvana Headley on translating Beowulf (1000 words)

Brian Attebery on Ursula Le Guin (1000 words)

3: Weird and Uncanny

Matt Sangster on environments of the Weird (4000 words)

Ann Vandermeer on the international Weird (4000 words)

China Mieville on tbc (1000 words)

Lucinda Holdsworth on changing Lucifers (1000 words)

Tbc (1000 words)

4: Portals and Worlds

Dimitra Fimi on children’s fantasy worlds (4000 words)

Laurie Penny on fandoms and fan/author boundaries (4000 words)

Tanya Kirk on the Brontës and paracosms (1000 words)

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