• 葡萄酒文化史
  • Wine:A Cultural History
  • 作者:John Varriano
  • 出版社代理人:Reaktion Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2022年9月
  • 页数:280页 (105幅插图,其中88幅为彩图)
  • 已售版权:意大利丶韩国
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com

这是一本关於葡萄酒历史渊源文化的好书,内容详细介绍了葡萄酒对於各时代的社会和文化产生深远影响。作者研究了从古埃及和美索不达米亚的起源到今日新世界的葡萄酒产业,并说明葡萄酒是如何酿造的,以及在历史上如何被用於各种仪式上。此外,还探讨古罗马的马赛克艺术丶艾米莉・狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的诗歌,以及米开朗基罗和马奈等等艺术家的画作,藉此带领读者进一步了解葡萄酒如何在世界各地艺术丶文学和科学领域中启发灵感和产生改变影响。

‘Varriano’s beautifully illustrated and detailed study shows how wine has inspired us in art, literature and religion. It is the perfect drinking companion.’
– The Guardian
‘Those who have overindulged in the subject might like instead to read about the culture of the vine. Drawing on poetry, art and history, Varriano presses out some of the infinitely rich past of the fermented grape.’
– I (Independent)

‘packed with interesting anecdotes, it’s beautifully illustrated and exhaustively researched, and romps along at a great pace.’
– Decanter
‘offers a great deal of fascinating analysis that is precise, revealing, and engaging. Anyone interested in the history of Ancient Greek/Roman art or Western European painting should find it fascinating to discover exactly which role the depiction of wine played in them.’
– Gastronomica


John Varriano是美国Mount Holyoke College艺术史的名誉教授,之前着作有《Tastes and Temptations: Food and Art in Renaissance Italy》 (2009)。