• 双城故事:巴黎、伦敦以及摩登城市的诞生
  • Tales of Two Cities: Paris, London and the Birth of the Modern City
  • 作者:Jonathan Conlin
  • 出版社代理人:Atlantic Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2014年6月
  • 页数:320页,包括35张黑白图
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com





Jonathan Conlin出生于纽约,之后搬到英国,在牛津大学学历史。他之后在Courtauld Institute以及剑桥大学读硕士,在National Gallery London获得博士学位。他写过的书包括The Nation’s Mantelpiece以及Civilisation。他经常受媒体邀请评论博物馆以及国家历史的话题。


'Tales of Two Cities allows readers to reconsider what "everybody knows". For, with astonishing ease, Jonathan Conlin performs that most useful, and difficult, of tasks: he makes us see the familiar as though it were new.' - Judith Flanders, Sunday Telegraph 

 'In Jonathan Conlin's Tales of Two Cities the little acknowledged but hugely significant histoire croisée of two rival metropoles gets a long overdue airing... The greatest compliment one can pay Conlin's book is that it provides endless food for thought.' - Spectator 

 'Jonathan Conlin's wonderful new book is a fascinating walk through two of the greatest cities in the world. With admirable skill and a painter's eye, Conlin presents the reader with a richly woven tapestry of stories and events that is mesmerizing to behold. The reader will never think of London or Paris in the same way again.' - Amanda Foreman 

 'Conlin provides some striking insights into these two capitals which are, in effect, mirror- images of one another. A thought-provoking glimpse into the history of our own London and its elegant, racy cousin, Paris. Beautifully illustrated and well-written.' - Catharine Arnold 

 'Full of unexpected facts... Conlin's case studies of possible cultural exchange are both concise and entertaining.' - Miranda Seymour, New York Times