• 希伯来文:拥有两个生命的语言
  • La lingua che visse due volte. Fascino e avventura dell’ebraico (The Language that Lived Twice. The allure and adventures of Hebrew)
  • 作者:Anna Linda Callow
  • 出版社代理人:Garzanti(意大利)
  • 出版时间:2019年4月
  • 页数:214页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
希伯来文是一个拥有惊人变迁的语言,它在历史上以及文学上拥有重大的身份及千年的影响力。作者Anna Linda Callow在书中担任起探索家的角色,在书中追随希伯来文一路来的重要变化。
Anna Linda Callow出生于意大利米兰,曾在米兰Universita degli Studi担任15 年的希伯来文语言及文学教授。她翻译过许多本书到希伯来文、依地语以及阿拉姆语。
“In this essay, the author’s practical and academic experience facilitates the exposition of the subject with a narrative ease that helps to penetrate a linguistic universe so far from our own.” Corrado Augias, La Repubblica
“An engaging book: it takes you by the hand and slowly makes you understand that around each sentence, behind every word and even in every letter of the Hebrew alphabet lays a whole world of meaning and references.” Massimo Giuliani, Avvenire
“A fascinating journey through a millenary culture.”
Robinson, La Repubblica