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  • 断食抗癌法
  • Il cancro a digiuno (Fasting for Cancer)
  • 作者:Valter D. Longo
  • 出版社代理人:Vallardi(意大利)
  • 出版时间:2021年10月
  • 页数:
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com



透过作者的上一本书《长寿饮食法》(Dieta della longevita)我们知道成人会得到的主要疾病都可以跟老化连上关系,而作者,一位世界知名的营养学、长寿学以及健康学的专家,在书中告诉我们如何调整我们的饮食以及运动来改善我们的生活。




Valter Longo is a biochemist born in Genova in 1967. He has a worldwide reputation for being one of the leaders in the field of studies on ageing and age-related illnesses and has had articles in some of the most authoritative science publications, including Nature, Science and Cell. He is professor of Gerontology and Biology Sciences, and director of the Institute of Longevity of the School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, one of the most prestigious centres in the world dedicated exclusively to teaching and researching the ageing process. Professor Longo has been awarded some of the most prestigious awards for his career: among these are the Nathan Shock Lecture Award from the National Institute on Ageing (NIA/NIH) in 2010 and the Vincent Cristofalo “Rising Star” award for research on ageing from the American Federation for Ageing Research in 2013. He is also director of the Laboratory of Oncology and Longevity at the IFOM (Institute of Molecular Oncology) in Milan. His first book La dieta della Longevità (The Longevity Diet, Vallardi, 2016) revolutionised research on longevity and nutrition. Rights have been sold across the world. Vallardi have also published his Alla tavola della longevità (2018) and Bambini, nutrizione e longevità (2019).