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  • Ottolenghi:食谱
  • Ottolenghi: The Cookbook
  • 作者:Yotam Ottolenghi以及Sami Tamimi
  • 出版社代理人:Ebury Press(英国)
  • 出版时间:2016年9月(更新版)
  • 页数:304页
  • 已售版权:法国、加拿大、荷兰、德国、俄罗斯、以色列
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*本书在2008年出版的时候售出超过10万册——这对一本食谱书来说是一个相当不容易的成绩!Bon Appetit杂志说他“让世界爱上蔬菜“,而London Evening Standard则说他“激进地改变了伦敦人饮食的方式。“
'Ottolenghi changed the way we cook in this country just as surely and enduringly as Elizabeth David’s A Book of Mediterranean Food had in 1950. It brought into our kitchens bold flavours, a vivid simplicity, a spirited but never tricksy inventiveness and, above all, light.’ Nigella Lawson
作者被《纽约时报》誉为世界上最美丽食谱作者,他的食谱真的一本比一本美,可以被归为艺术书。以色列-英国国籍的Ottolenghi在纽约一共有五家餐厅,每一间的风格以及理念都不同。在耶路撒冷长大的他在他的料理里都会融入许多中东元素。他早期在知名的蓝带厨艺学校学习法式烹饪,之后在许多家米其林餐厅担任甜点厨师。他在1999年认识了阿拉伯-巴基斯坦厨师Sam Tamimi,两人发现他们其实生长的地点只差几英里的距离——虽然实在以色列-巴基斯坦冲突的相反边。他们很快地成为好友,并在2002年创立Ottolenghi Delicatessen。
‘[A] book that has barely left my kitchen…the fact that Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi have been generous to put their recipes in a book is something I had long dreamed of’ Nigel Slater, The Observer Magazine

‘Possibly the best cookery book I have ever owned. The recipes…are well-tested and produce results that will astound your tastebuds. Try the aubergine-wrapped ricotta gnocchi with sage butter, the chicken with three-rice salad or their famous meringues and you'll know just what I mean.’ Caroline Jowett, Daily Express

‘A wonderful book for vegetarians and cake lovers alike’ Bee Wilson, Sunday Times
作者:Yotam Ottolenghi以及Helen Goh
出版社:Ebury Press(英国)
*本书是Sunday Time以及New York Times的畅销书
"With Jerusalem and all the books that followed, Yotam Ottolenghi changed everything about what we cook and crave. Now, with Sweet, he and Helen Goh shake up dessert. In signature style, the recipes are generous, warm, inviting, and copiously sparked with inspiration. Yes, bake those brownies with tahini and halva. Add star anise to blackberry cakes. Revel in the exciting new flavors Sweet brings us. It's what I'll be doing."
--Dorie Greenspan, James Beard Award-winning author

"After winning us over with his savory offerings, Yotam Ottolenghi, with Helen Goh, comes to the sweet side with an international array of gorgeous cookies, cakes, candies, custards... I want to make everything in this luscious book!" 
--David Lebovitz, author of My Paris Kitchen and L'Appart

"Yotam Ottolenghi's additions to classic recipes make so much sense, you'll wonder why you've never stirred tahini into brownies or orange flower water into amaretti--or why you've never even made your own amaretti! This is my kind of baking book; you'll want to make everything." 
--Elisabeth Prueitt, co-founder of Tartine Manufactory and author of Tartine All Day

"Modern, creative, appealing, and, most importantly, fun--this is Ottolenghi at the top of his game." 
--Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

Praise for previous books: 
"This is simply wonderful cooking...modern, smart, and thoughtful. I love it." 
--Nigel Slater

"With his 2012 cookbook Jerusalem, London restaurateur Yotam Ottolenghi [has] created a sensation by sharing his unexpected and highly personal take on Mediterranean cooking." 
--Food & Wine

"Jerusalem is the top-selling cookbook in the country, subverting the conventional wisdom that you need to have a TV show to have a bestselling cookbook. The book...has become something of a phenomenon." 
--Publisher's Weekly

"Plenty...is among the most generous and luxurious nonmeat cookbooks ever produced, one that instantly reminds us that you don't need meat to produce over-the-top food." 
--Mark Bittman, New York Times

"Yotam Ottolenghi's second cookbook has recipes for dishes largely absent from the American kitchen--a fact that almost never crosses your mind when you flip through it hungry. Everything sounds mouthwatering and looks-and is -doable." 
--Wall Street Journal
作者:Yotam Ottolenghi以及Sam Taimimi
出版社:Ebury Press(英国)

"a magical feast" -BBC Good Food Magazine

"Jerusalem works both as a recipe book and as a touching tribute to (Yotam Ottolenghi’s) war-torn native city" -The Telegraph Magazine

"A complicated love letter to a city…a memorable book that has as much to do with friendship as with food" -The Guardian

"Jerusalem will dominate dinner parties for the next year through its deceptive and inviting simplicity" -The Financial Times

"‘(A) celebration of the complex currents that shaped Jerusalem’s culinary, as well as political, history" -The Sunday Telegraph
作者:Yotam Ottolenghi以及Ramael Scully
出版社:Ebury Press(英国)

作者:Yotam Ottolenghi
出版社:Ebury Press(英国)

"Plenty is one of those cookbooks you dribble over while flicking through its pages. [The recipes] demand to be eaten."  - The Guardian

"Plenty takes an inspired and fresh approach to vegetarian cooking. Sumptuous photographs make this an ideal gift for all foodies." -The Independent

"The hottest cookbook of the year" -The Guardian

"He's a genius: his isn't exactly Middle eastern cooking - he's from Jerusalem - but it draws its very breath from the explosive colours and tastes of the region." -The Scotsman

"The man who sexed up veg." -Evening Standard
Yotam Ottolenghi的灵感来自于他的地中海背景以及他对于食材的喜爱。他本身不是一味素食煮意者,但是他热爱蔬菜,对于蔬菜也拥有与其他厨师与众不同的态度。
书名:《更丰富》Plenty More
作者:Yotam Ottolenghi
出版社:Ebury Press(英国)

"Its this approachability that is the books greatest strength; it gives inspiration, as well as just great recipes, and it's not just for vegetarians." -Time out

"A riot of colours, combinations and characteristically striking flavours." -Waitrose Kitchen

"Even the most passionate carnivore might be surprised by the wealth of veg-based recipes on offer here. An exciting introduction to meat-free eating." -Grazia

"Ottolenghi multiplies the ingredients and techniques with great verve, and this boundless enthusiasm is tangible – and infectious." -Mina Holland and Dale Berning Sawa, Guardian
Yotam Ottolenghi是一位厨师以及食谱作者。他在伦敦有五家餐厅,并出版过许多本畅销食谱书。他创造过两个电视特辑,以及一个BBC4纪录片, Jerusalem on a Plate。
•       2010 Galaxy National Book Awards "Food and Drink Book of the Year" for Plenty
•       2010 Observer Food Monthly's "Best Cookbooks Ever", Plenty ranked number 40[16]
•       2011 Condé Nast Traveler "Innovation and Design Awards", NOPI, winner of the Gourmet award [17]
•       2011 Observer Food Monthly's "Best Cookbook Award" winner for Plenty[18]
•       2012 Restaurant and Bar Design Awards, "Identity" category for the restaurant Nopi[19]
•       2012 Guild of Food Writers Awards, "Kate Whiteman Award for Work on Food and Travel" for Jerusalem on a Plate (BBC4)
•       2013 James Beard Award "International Cookbook" for Jerusalem [20]
•       2013 Guild of Food Writers Awards, "Cookery Book Award" for Jerusalem[21]
•       2013 Guild of Food Writers Awards, "Evelyn Rose Award for Cookery Journalist" for journalism in The Guardian[22]
•       2013 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, the Dun Gifford Award winner for Jerusalem[23]
•       2013 International Association of Culinary Professionals Awards, winner of the International award and the Best Cookbook award for Jerusalem[24]
•       2013 Fortnum and Mason Food and Drink Awards, "Television Programme of the Year" for Ottolenghi's Mediterranean Feast (Keo Films)[25]
•       2013 German Gastronomic Academy Silver Medal for Jerusalem[citation needed]
•       2013 Observer Food Monthly "Best Cookbook Award" for Jerusalem[26]
•       2014 Specsavers National Book Awards "Food and Drink Book of the Year" for Plenty More[27]
•       2015 Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Brandeis University [28]
•       2016 James Beard Award "Cooking from a Professional Point of View" for NOPI, the Cookbook[29]