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  • 成为地球的园丁
  • The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife
  • 作者:Nancy Lawson
  • 出版社代理人:Princeton Architectural Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2017年4月
  • 页数:224页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
**Goodread 4.6星评价!
记者兼园艺家Nancy Lawson恳求我们用慈悲且尊敬的心对待所有物种,她告诉我们为什么要欢迎野生动物到我们的花园,我们又该怎么做才能欢迎这些动物。作者透过引人入胜的故事和建议、全美各地家庭园艺家的介绍,以及与科学家和园艺学家的访谈,让我们对生态有更上一层的了解,并将这些所学应用在自己的户外空间。

章节里详细要如何选择本地的植物品种才能吸引野生动物,如何为新生的动物宝宝及鸟类、蜜蜂和蝴蝶提供一个天然的庇护所,在花园中打造一个安全区,如何和总是被视为害虫的生物和平相处,让自然成为家中最棒的园艺设计师, 鼓励花园中的自然过程及演变。《成为地球的园丁》用独特简单的原则,让我们学会如何吸引野生动物,及和平地解决我们与其他生物间的冲突,并和所有生物共享这个美丽的世界。
"Each year opossums, often seen as nasty nuisances, helpfully ingest thousands of disease causing ticks. That's just on of the good-to-know facts in Nancy Lawson's book, The Humane Gardener, which reveals how you can make your private green patch a safe haven for all creatures." -O: The Oprah Magazine

"[W]e give Lawson a lot of credit for writing a very important book that everyone with a container gardener to a postage stamp yard to a large piece of property should read..Lawson's passionate plea to be humane includes practical and low cost solutions to enable us to cohabitate peacefully with wildlife in our yards." -The Plain Dealer

"This gorgeously written, well-argued title will help backyard gardeners see all creatures, from insects to elk, as visitors to be welcomed rather than pests to be removed..Highly recommended for gardeners at all levels in all regions." - Library Journal starred review

"In The Humane Gardener, Lawson does the important work of speaking for the trees-and the bees, butterflies and other living creatures that need healthy ecosystems. It's telling that Lawson opts to use gendered pronouns when referencing animals: Her goal is to show us the wisdom of living in harmony with, and dissolving boundaries between, our habitations and the diverse wildlife that surrounds us..With luxe, matte pages and plentiful full-color photographs, this book is as much a beautiful object as a passionate and well-researched rallying cry." - BookPage
Nancy Lawson是一位作家、编辑和记者,同时也是人道园丁活动的创始人,这个活动的目的是要帮助人们和住在他们后院的动物和谐共处。她为所有由美国人道主义协会出版的动物杂志撰写“人道后院”专栏。成为自由撰稿者和顾问以前,她在美国人道主义协会出版担任了15年的编辑。