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  • 你今天古典了吗?
  • YEAR OF WONDER: Classical Music for Every Day  
  • 作者:Clemency Burton-Hill 
  • 出版社代理人: Headline Home(英国)
  • 出版时间:2017年10月
  • 页数:448页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
** 与Telegraph 和Radio 4的节目同步
古典乐适合每个人听。获奖的小提琴家与BBC Radio 3的主持人Clemency Burton-Hill写了这么一本古典乐年书,赞颂从中世纪到今天的作曲家。

Clemency Burton-Hill:“享受古典乐,你只需要耳朵和开阔的心胸。” 
Year of Wonder is an absolute treat - the most enlightening way to be guided through the year. (Eddie Redmayne)

This magnificent treasury of classical music selects a song for each day of the year - beginning with Bach, closing with Strauss and resounding with an array of favourites and hidden gems. Both entertaining and educative, each entry contextualises the song, making for a fascinating tour de force. (The Observer)
Enthusiasm bounds from every page... It's the creation of a super playlist of classical music... Another day, another delight.(Irish Independent)

20 soothing, beautiful songs guaranteed to help you fall asleep. (Stylist)
Clemency Burton-Hill是一名英国顶尖艺术播报员和作者。她也也是许多广播、电视、线上节目的主持人,包括:BBC Radio 3 Breakfast、the PromsYoung Musician of the Year 在内的许多音乐与艺术节目。她过去担任过The Culture Show 与The Review Show的主持人。身为一名记者,她也定期为the ObserverEconomist1843 MagazineFT WeekendGuardianTelegraph撰写文章。她还为BBC Culture 撰写古典乐专栏。Clemency自己也是获奖的小提琴家,已经跟许多顶尖指挥家在世界各地表演过好几次。她是Aurora Orchestra的共同创始人及音乐与艺术教育慈善机构The Choir of London Trust and Dramatic Need的赞助人。