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  • 阿富汗:希望与恐惧之间
  • Afghanistan: Between Hope and Fear
  • 作者:Paula Bronstein
  • 出版社代理人:University of Texas Press (美国)
  • 出版时间:2016年8月
  • 页数:228页,收入114全彩照片
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*Kim Barker提供本书前言,Christina Lamb提供引言
*Getty Images同意让中文出版社免费使用书中所有图片!!!
阿富汗的人民正在经历一个历史性的时刻。他们脆弱的民主机构能够承担美国军队的撤退吗?西方撤退之後,阿富汗的女人以及女孩们会失去她们小小增加的自由以及机会吗?媒体越来越不再关注阿富汗,但是摄影记者Paula Bronstein依旧充满热情,希望继续捕捉阿富汗人民的真实生活。在这本摄影图片报导中,她不只是捕捉战争的画面,更是呈现了世界上最神秘的国家之一的日常生活。作者花了超过10年来收集了这些照片,而身为女性的她更加关注这里的女人以及小孩。她的照片说出许多故事——关於基本人权丶贫穷丶战争丶毒瘾丶希望丶选举丶教育丶工作丶娱乐等等。这是一本完整丶动人丶视觉上非常刺激的叙述历史。
Paula Bronstein是美国最知名的女性摄影记者之一,也是少数去报导战争遗迹挣扎的。她获得过Faber Award of the Overseas Press Club丶 National Press Photographer’s Association Photographer of the Year award以及许多 Pictures of the Year International (POY-I)。她入围过普里兹将以及 Leica Oskar Barnack奖。这是她的第一本书,已经入围了三项重要摄影奖项: CDS/ Honickman First Book Prize in Photography丶European Publishers Award for Photography以及 FotoEvidence Book Award.
Kim Barker曾经是Chicago Tribune的东南亚局长,现在是《纽约时报》的记者。她的书The Taliban Shuffle最近被改编为好莱坞电影Whiskey Tango Foxtrot。
Christina Lamb是伦敦Sunday Times的外交记者。她五次获得Foreign Correspondent of the Year,同时也曾获得欧洲最权威的战争记者奖Prix Bayeux,以及British OBE。她从1987年开始去阿富汗,写过一本书Farewell Kabul: From Afghanistan to a More Dangerous World。
 “Bronstein has put together one of the richest portraits there is of modern Afghanistan—complicated, conflicted, and contradictory, but always compelling. Just try to put down this book without looking at every image, without feeling each person in your gut, in your heart. It’s impossible.” —Kim Barker, from the foreword
“I am impressed with Bronstein’s sheer determination, grit, sensitivity to her subjects on an intimate level, and ability to give insight into lives we would never know exist. The fact that an American female photojournalist has been embraced in Afghan culture is remarkable. Her images portray the gamut of emotion—an unvarnished reality of urgency, despair, compassion, understanding, and hope.” —Renée C. Byer, Pulitzer Prize–winning photojournalist and coauthor of Living on a Dollar a Day: The Lives and Faces of the World’s Poor