• 卡夫卡的法规:审判以及美国的犯罪司法
  • Kafka's Law: The Trial and American Criminal Justice
  • 作者:Robert P. Burns
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago (美国)
  • 出版时间:2014年
  • 页数:192页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
卡夫卡的名作《审判》中所描述一名被告如何看待法律以及被法律待遇的情况其实比我们想像得还要接近现实。这本书本来应该是一个幻想寓言,但其实非常真实。美国最高法院法官Anthony Kennedy曾经在1993年说过:“所有律师都需要阅读这本书,并了解它。”
Robert P. Burns是美国西北大学(Northwestern University)的法律学院教授。他另外出版过一本书,The Death of the American Trial。
Brian Z. Tamanaha, Washington University School of Law
“Fascinating, jarring, powerful, and unique. Burns reframes criticisms of the American criminal justice system, showing the striking parallels between Kafka’s Trial and aspects of our own system. In doing so, he administers a shock of recognition that promises to be highly effective in getting us to see the limitations of our system in a different light.”
Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, Indiana University Bloomington
“Burns’s distinctive voice—combining that of an experienced practitioner, a legal scholar, and a philosopher—is immensely engaging, deeply serious, and consequential. He has a remarkable, almost kaleidoscopic ability to bring together, while respecting the differences, the very particular nightmare of Kafka’s work, the ideas of the great philosophers, and the daily injustices of American law today, all while insisting that we know, and should do, better.”
Albert W. Alschuler, University of Chicago Law School
"Kafka’s Law enormously increases a reader’s understanding of both Kafka’s writings and the American criminal justice system. The book’s barrage of present-day facts creates the same sense of baffled helplessness and of rule by nobody that the reader has when immersed in Kafka’s fictional world. Although Burns’s masterful study shows that the word Kafkaesque is no idle epithet when applied to our criminal justice system, it offers a way out, one that lies in revitalizing our legal system’s democratic roots."
Darryl K. Brown, University of Virginia School of Law
“Burns has few equals in combining the skills of the political theorist, legal scholar, engaged lawyer, and literary critic, all of which he has brought to bear to great reward in Kafka’s Law. On the one hand, complaints about our criminal justice system as 'Kafkaesque' are longstanding to the point of cliché. On the other, readers of The Trial could easily dismiss its legal system as safely remote from our own. Burns overcomes both hurdles by taking his careful interpretation of Kafka to the specifics of American criminal law and procedure, and to a series of detailed examples of recent American criminal prosecutions. The result is an insightful, disturbing and cautionary portrait of the fragility of formal rules and legal ideals in the face of every variety of bureaucracy and politics.”

Chapter 1. A Reading of The Trial
Chapter 2. Institutional Perspectives on The Trial
Chapter 3. Echoes of Kafka Today
Chapter 4. Spaces of Freedom in American Law?
