• 全球视野之下的家庭观(第二版)
  • The Family in Global Perspective (Second Edition)
  • 作者:Elaine Leeder
  • 出版社代理人:Cognella(美国)
  • 出版时间:2020年
  • 页数:370 页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com
“The Family in Global Perspective is truly one of the few texts that examines family life cross-culturally. With up-to-date material and enhanced pedagogical method, the new edition continues to help undergraduate students in various disciplines understand and think critically about the diversity of family practices in global perspective. The book is well-written, informative, and intrinsically interesting.”- Wei-Wei Da, Brescia University College

“… uses various historical, theoretical, and comparative perspectives to develop a cross-cultural understanding of family life. The book examines a variety of family lives in western countries and contrasts them with those of families in parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. After comparing the history of the family in various parts of the globe, the author then looks at the impact of globalization on family structures; gendered behavior; intergenerational relationships; relationship dissolution; race, ethnicity and class issues; violence; and social policy.” - Paul C. Rosenblatt in the Journal of Comparative Family Studies

Elaine Leeder是索诺玛州立大学(Sonoma State University)社会学系的荣誉退休教授和社会科学院的荣誉退休院长。在此之前,她曾在纽约伊萨卡岛的伊萨卡学院(Ithaca College)任教。她在康乃尔大学取得博士学位,在加州大学柏克莱分校取得公共卫生硕士学位,以及在纽约Yeshiva大学取得社会工作硕士学位。 Leeder博士有担任过教育工作者丶专业心理治疗师丶谘商师以及心理健康和刑事司法专业人员培训师的经验。她荣获无数社区工作相关的奖项,其中一项是她在监狱推动的修复式正义的工作而获得美国红十字会奖项。她是华盛顿特区美国大屠杀纪念馆的访问学者。 她被列入《美国名人录》(Who’s Who in America)丶《美国名师录》(Who’s Who of American Teachers)和《美国妇女名人录》(Who’s Who of American Women)等书之中。她已出版过五本书,更多相关资讯请参考作者网站 www.ElaineLeeder.com