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  • 365种度过美好一天的方式
  • 365 Ways To Have A Good Day
  • 作者:Ian Sanders
  • 出版社代理人:John Murray Learning(英国)
  • 出版时间:2021年11月
  • 页数:240页
  • 已售版权:繁体中文
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com


作者将带领读者探索 Feierabends 和 Laughies 的好处,透过舞蹈心理学家帮助打开眼界,或者引导学习养成习惯的策略,掌握有用的技巧,并发现持久改变的秘诀——以上都可透过书中实例和发人省思的故事,让读者以不同的方式看待生活。



“Brilliant and delicious chips for the soul. Eat just one a day? No way. I can’t stop. Great tiny tales, tips, and thoughts.”
Derek Sivers, author, How to Live

“An inspiring, heart-warming, go-getting book. 365 Ways to Have a Good Day is an antidote to apathy and the kickstart we all need to live our best life.”
Helen Tupper, co-author of The Squiggly Career

“Equal parts funny and touching and yet in all ways wise, 365 Ways to Have a Good Day is more than a path to having better days; it’s a simple, compelling structure to support the daily art and practice of living a better life.”
Jerry Colonna, author, Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up
“This book is a user manual for the next 24 hours. And the rest of your life. Our lives are decided by our daily practice. The problem is that most daily practices are done once a week, once a month, and for some, only once a year. Hmmm. But if you stop trying to change your life and lower the bar a little, and focus only on today. That’s right, just the next 24 hours. And repeat that. Gradually, then suddenly, you will be living your best life. Because days change weeks. Months change years. Years change decades. Decades change lives.”
David Hieatt, cofounder, The Do Lectures
“It is always a good day when you get to tap into Ian’s wisdom and with 365 Ways to Have a Good Day you get a dose of Ian’s reflective optimism, daily. 365 Ways is your guide to reclaiming how you choose to approach each and every day. It’s a daily invitation to look at what’s before you from a novel or different angle. Ian’s advice will both challenge AND energize your usual routine – which is a rather perfect way to proceed to have a good day if you ask me!”
J. Kelly Hoey, author, Build Your Dream Network
“Innovative thinker and life designer Ian Sanders expands our minds again in his new book 365 Ways to Have a Good Day! We’d all like to find the magical gateway to everyday happiness, the truth is, life ebbs and flows. Ian gives us a tactical roadmap to hack our brains so that we can experience a state of joy more often than not, even on the bad days.”
Espree Devora, tech founder and podcaster


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