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  • 希望与疗愈
  • Hope and Healing After Stillbirth and New Baby Loss
  • 作者:Professor Kevin Gournay以及Dr Brenda Ashcroft
  • 出版社代理人:Sheldon Press(英国)
  • 出版时间:2019年8月
  • 页数:144页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
不论是在生产前或生产后失去婴儿,对家长们都是一个巨大的打击,而很多经历这种悲剧的人不知道该如何找到安慰。在这本书中,Professor Kevin Gournay(他自己经历过胎死腹中的失落)以及助产士Dr. Brenda Ashcroft,一步一步解释如何走出悲痛,开始愈合。他們在书中不只提供情绪上的支持,同时也提供实际上的步骤,包括如何安排后事。在这种事情发生后,人们不但需要从自己的哀痛走出来,同时也要维护与另一半、家里其它孩子以及亲友的关系。也有人可能产生忧郁、躁郁或者其它心理问题,书中也谈到如何去面对这样的挑战。最后,作者们也提出如何在下一胎可以保护自己以及胎儿的方法,避免再次发生。
"Our priority must be to provide appropriate support to the parents who are experiencing loss: that is why books like this one are so important."  Vicky Foxton, MP
'Offering wisdom and understanding, written with sensitivity, this book has much practical help within its pages for a loss like that feels like few others.' – Sands
"Gives an insight into grief, and on what may help in living with the loss. Midwives and maternity staff may also find this book useful to appreciate some of the challenges facing parents."  Gail Johnson, Professional Adviser, Royal College of Midwives
Professor Kevin Gournay, CBE is Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, and the author of several Sheldon books. He is a government adviser and expert witness, a consultant to the World Health Organization, and lead investigator and reporter on multiple reports on cases of stillbirth and perinatal death. He has covered a very wide range of research and is renowned for his work with patients suffering the effects of trauma, and with dying patients and their families. His professional interest in stillbirth stems from loss of his own child to stillbirth (at 40 weeks) in 1985.
Dr Brenda Ashcroft is a lecturer in midwifery/ethics and law at University of Salford. She is a distinguished midwife and an expert witness. She has a specialist interest in risk on the labour ward, and has investigated a large number of cases involving stillbirth and perinatal death, where negligence has been addressed. She has contributed to the work of SANDS and presented her work to government organisations.