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  • 破瘾而出
  • Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions
  • 作者:Russell Brand
  • 出版社代理人:Bluebird(英国)
  • 出版时间:2017 年九月
  • 页数:288 页
  • 已售版权:美国
  • 版权联系人:morgan.cheng@peonyliteraryagency.com





本书作者罗素‧布兰德(Russell Brand)是带有许多身份的话题人物,他是独角喜剧明星、演员、BBC 电台节目主持人。和歌手凯蒂‧佩芮(Katy Perry)曾有过一段短暂婚姻的他,人生履历精彩丰富。推特追踪人数 1220 万人,脸书 350 万人、书籍出版销售超过 160 万册。


关于罗素‧布兰德,还有一项主题时常引人侧目 — 他自小药物滥用成瘾,而目前已经戒毒十四年,时常为成瘾症议题发言。他认为这是一个成瘾的年代,除了沉迷药物、性爱、酒精、A 片此类极端的例子之外,还有对食物、网路购物、手机、社群网路等等的执着依赖。简单说,成瘾现象无所不在,内容无所不包。


Bluebird 出版社的社长 Carole Tonkinson 在访谈中提到,她在 2016 年一月一号那天早晨醒来,认为若要作一本有影响力的书,则当是这样的主题。她也认为过去此类作品时常无法与读者产生连结,而罗素‧布兰德是她心中唯一能够驾驭这个主题的人。于是她在新年第一天写信邀稿,成就本书机缘。本书也将是 Bluebird 在 2017 年秋天的重点项目。


这本书里罗素‧布兰德从自己的戒瘾经验里提出独特见解,透过充满个人色彩的文字,重新诠释传统戒瘾协会的 12 步骤,目标是帮助读者将各式各样自我毁灭的习惯一一击破。






1. Are you a bit fucked?

2. Could you not be fucked?

3. Are you, on your own, going to ‘unfuck’ yourself?

4. Write down all the things that are fucking you up or have ever fucked you up and don’t lie, or leave anything out.

5. Honestly tell someone trustworthy about how fucked you are.

6. Well that revealed a lot of fucked up patterns. Do you want to stop it? Seriously?

7. Are you willing to live in a new way that’s not all about you and your previous, fucked up stuff? You have to.

8. Prepare to apologize to everyone and everything you being so fucked up affected.

9. Now apologize. Unless that would make things worse.

10. Watch out for fucked up thinking and behaviour and be honest when it happens.

11. Stay connected to your new perspective.

12. Look at life less selfishly, be nice to everyone, help people if you can.




罗素‧布兰德(Russell Brand)有许多身份 — 独角喜剧明星、演员、BBC 电台节目主持人、作者。他的喜剧巡回表演常是满场,社群网路追踪人数庞大,书籍出版销售超过 160 万册。



'This is a brave and useful book, that I read in one day. It offers real insight into addiction and the stuff that drives it and Russell has done a great service in tackling the classic twelve steps in a non-reverential and totally entertaining kind of way that will help a lot of people. It feels wrong to say it is an addictive read, given the subject, but it really is. Russell doesn’t just want to save our souls he wants to entertain us on the way.' - Matt Haig, author of How to Stop Time and Reasons to Stay Alive


'While the insights are not original, the experience of them is unique and it's Brand's own story that gives the book its energy. For anyone with an abiding interest in Russell Brand.' - The Observer


'The premise of his programme is that the 12 steps followed by Alcoholics Anonymous can work for anyone. Recovery is the 12 steps, as translated by Russell Brand.' - The Sunday Times


'Personally it always struck me as a bit unfair that only raging alcoholics and hopeless drug addicts got to practice the 12 steps, given how they provide such an invaluable emotional toolbox — now, thanks to the vision (his critics might say the ego) of Russell Brand, they are available to all.' - Suzanne Harrington, Irish Examiner


'Yum Yum Yum. Russell is an example of how the path of recovery and the spiritual path can be one and the same, a path towards inner love and freedom from attachment.' - Ram Dass


'Recovery conveys the kind of pointed wisdom that usually comes from having woken up to our suffering, and is therefore real. Outspoken, outrageous and courageous all at once, reading it is likely to jolt you into seeing things in a new way. And you will find that this new way will include, in the most natural, unfeigned manner, a sincere wish to be of service to others.' - Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Love