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  • 凡赛斯兄妹
  • Siblings (Fratelli)
  • 作者:Santo Versace
  • 出版社代理人:Rizzoli(意大利)
  • 出版时间:2022年11月
  • 页数:250页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

Santo Versace是Gianni 以及Donatella Versace的大哥,也是Versace品牌的President以及Co-CEO。在这本书中,他叙述了这个传奇家族的完整故事。Versace三兄妹一直是时尚圈的知名人物,而继House of Gucci电影之后,大众对于时尚家族背后的戏剧性历史好奇提到最高度,而这个故事也充满了时尚、奢华、戏剧、神秘感。

凡赛斯的故事是时尚的故事,但它也是一个关于三兄妹的单纯故事。这个故事在Reggio Calabria开始,一路走到米兰以及美国,接着燃烧到全世界。这本书从大哥Santo的角度叙述凡赛斯的故事,关于弟弟Gianni,一名艺术家以及天才,如何创造他的帝国。这也是一个简单的哥哥如何看待自己的弟妹如何面对人生中的喜怒哀乐,以及一场悲剧如何从此改变了一个家庭。


Santo Domenico Versace (1944) is an Italian businessman, film producer and politician, who serves as president and co-CEO of the Milan-based luxury fashion company Gianni Versace S.P.A., founded by Santo’s late brother Gianni Versace. After Gianni’s murder in 1997, Santo started playing an even more significant role in the company. He is, in fact, the business brain behind the company, supervising the major departments like communications, sales, distribution, production and finance. He is an elected member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic in the constituency of Calabria. He is an advocate of “Made in Italy” products and actively promotes them. He also supports the need for Italy to uphold its traditions of textiles and fashion.