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  • 人生下半场:五十位女性的生命
  • The Second Half – Forty Women Reveal Life After Fifty
  • 作者:Ellen Warner
  • 出版社代理人:Brandeis University Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2022年2月
  • 页数:180页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com

《人生下半场:五十位女性的生命》这本人物采访集探讨了来自不同文化背景的女性,如何活自己下半生。作者采访了各领域的女性,有法国女演员、英国小说家、阿尔及利亚游牧民族、沙乌地阿拉伯的医生、美国政治家等,作者周游世界,采访这些女性,了解她们的生活。 她问这些女性在自己的人生上半场学到了什么对下半场有帮助的事,以及她们会给年轻女性什么建议。这些女性不藏私的分享自己鼓舞人心的故事,绝对能启发读者,每篇采访都有收录受访者迷人的照片。



"Ellen Warner's photographs are deeply narrative, and in this book we are presented with a remarkable enhancement to those images: the real narratives."-- "Tim Gunn, author, actor, Project Runway mentor."

"The diverse and inspiring stories in Ellen Warner's The Second Half are as powerfully written as they are stunningly photographed, and superbly curated. Each face, each life, each page fills you with hope, and takes your breath away."-- "Nandana Sen, writer, actor, activist"

"Warner's book beautifully reflects the challenges and opportunities of growing older in an ageist culture. The depictions of older women's complexity, diversity and resiliency offer a wonderful resource for all of us - including younger people - in our age-segregated society."-- "Joan Ditzion, MSW, and Judy Norsigian, co-founders of Our Bodies Ourselves"

"Ellen Warner's powerful and moving portraits and interviews show us what we need to know: how extremely diverse women envision the second half of women's' lives, and the wide-ranging perspectives they offer to share with us, the fortunate readers."-- "Professor Elaine Pagels, historian"

"The faces of the women in this book, deeply etched by experience and by sorrow and yet alight with life and hope are an enduring tribute not only to Ellen's genius as a photographer skill but also to the personal qualities that give her subjects the freedom to reveal who they really are."-- "Pat Barker, novelist"

"We need to celebrate women for not wrinkles but laugh lines. We need to see ourselves changing and growing. If that means looking older - celebrate it. Experience is as beautiful as youth. These (words and) pictures are meant to teach us that every stage of life has its own enchantment." -- "Erica Mann Jong, from the Foreword"



Ellen Warner从1969年开始她的摄影记者生涯。许多报章杂志上都能看到她的作品。 多年来,她发展了人物肖像拍摄的专长,并为纽约和伦敦多间出版社工作。 她也撰写旅游文章,皆发表在《纽约时报》、《旅游与休闲》和《旅行者》。