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  • 写给我那些非凡姐妹们的信
  • Letters to My Weird Sisters: On Autism and Feminism
  • 作者:Joanne Limburg
  • 出版社代理人:Atlantic Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2021年7月
  • 页数:272页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


 “我发现很多时候当我的自闭症制造了麻烦,或者至少将我标示为与他人不同,这些时刻我面对的其实是某种不成文的法律,关于女孩或女人应该是什么模样,而我没有达到这个理想。”(It seemed to me that many of the moments when my autism had caused problems, or at least marked me out as different, were those moments when I had come up against some unspoken law about how a girl or a woman should be, and failed to meet it.)

作者Joanne Limburg在中年时期被诊断有自闭症,这迟来的诊断解释了她多年来的情绪表达方式、在社交场合下的不安以及她总是一个外人的感觉。她不但没沮丧,反而花费精力去找出那些同样被时代误解的女性们。她在书中写信给这四位“非凡的姐妹们”,信中的话题包括历史、自闭症如何当一位母亲、社会上的孤僻、女权主义、等等。



Joanne Limburg出生于1970年伦敦,在剑桥大学学哲学。她写过两本诗集,第一本入围Forward Best First Collection Prize,第二本则获得Poetry Book Society的推荐。她住在剑桥,目前是Magdalen College的Royal Literary Fund研究员。


Astute, humane and breathtakingly true, Letters to my Weird Sisters captures the intricate truth of life on the outside. Joanne Limburg's project to find mirrors of herself across history casts so much light. I adored it. -- Katherine May, author of WINTERING

A powerful and deeply personal tribute to the 'weird' sisterhood. Limburg seamlessly weaves her own experiences as a 'misfit' into the stories of women from history who today might be regarded as autistic. Her bold, unique exploration of autism reflects centuries of prejudice and more recent and shameful care scandals involving autistic people. Limburg forces the reader to reconsider who's really weird; those whom society perceives as defective, or a society that constrains, alienates and dehumanises people just because they don't conform to its norms? -- Saba Salman, author of MADE POSSIBLE