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  • 我的父亲:巴勃罗·埃斯科巴
  • Pablo Escobar mi padre(My father Pablo Escobar)
  • 作者:Juan Pablo Escobar
  • 出版社代理人:Planeta Publishing(西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2014年11月
  • 页数:470页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
* 本书有英语样章
* 多部电影及影集皆以书中主角为题材!
* 美国 Netflix 2015 原创新剧《Narcos》讲述的就是 Pablo Escobar 的故事!
距1993年十二月毒品界的王中之王 Pablo Escobar 被击毙至今已经二十多年了。他的儿子Juan Pablo 在漫长的沉寂后,娓娓道出多年来他的家庭生活及父亲的商业行为,其中描述了父亲死后,他成为所有父亲敌人的箭靶,母亲如何和其他毒贩进行谈判才得以留他一命,包括他们和家人与敌人谈判的内容,还有如何搬到阿根廷开始新生活。

作者 Juan Escobar 在书中述说父亲不为人知的一面,他用自己的个人经验和这二十年来的流放生涯,阐述父亲的热情与过错,更进一步描述、分析在个人、家庭与社会中做出暴力行为所导致的恶果。
“At the end of the day I was the son of Pablo Escobar, and since he was dead, I was in the crosshairs of his enemies “- Chapter 3 “Peace with the drug cartels”
“Hiding didn't make any sense because it would be a path that will continue the war that I didn't start nor invented or leaded but rather I suffered and runway since I've memory. In the end, when I had to make a decision the weight of my feelings took me to shake the hands of my father's enemies in order to construct a true peace agreement, honor it and seal it.

Juan Pablo Escobar 是一名建筑及工业设计师。2010年世界和平日,联合国(UN)播放的得奖纪录片《Sins of My Father》主角就是他。他的父亲是史上最有名的大毒贩 Pablo Escobar。

“A story in which Juan Pablo Escobar offers a human vision of the Colombian drug trafficker, his family and relentless in business. A bestseller in Latin America” El Economista (Mexico)

“Pablo Escobar showed me the path “not to take” son says” The Australian