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  • 旅行的意义:改变人生的指南
  • Why Travel Matters: A Guide to the Life-Changing Nature of Travel
  • 作者:Craig Storti
  • 出版社代理人:Nicholas Brealey Publishing (英国)
  • 出版时间:2018年6 月
  • 页数:202页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
《旅行的意义:改变人生的指南》探索那些渴望透过旅行学到什么的旅人们,将在旅程中学到的人生教训。本书作者Craig Storti将自身超过30多年来的旅游经验,用充满滋味的散文、风趣的智慧与独特的风格与知名旅人、伟大的旅游作家、历史学家和文坛大师的名言、见解、反思及评论融合在一起。作者Storti的丰富学识让他成为专门负责大师级及伟人展览的顶尖策展人,包括: St. Augustine、Mark Twain、Somerset Maugham、D. H. Lawrence、Bruce Chatwin、 Aldous Huxley等。
A philosophical and anthropological exploration of how the act of travelling alters the traveller (Nick Hunt, author of 'Where the Wild Winds Are')

A highly intelligent and deeply engaging book that examines not only the beauty but also the importance of travel (Thomas Swick, author 'The Joys of Travel: And Stories that Illuminate Them')

You may have visited the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China, but if you haven't read this book, you may not have traveled. From deep experience and insight, Craig Storti, with clarity, humor, and a grand sense of history, shows how travel does matter. In practical steps, he demonstrates ways we can go beyond mere tourism to become enlightened participants in new places everywhere. For all travelers-not to mention interculturalists-this book is a must. (Fanchon Silberstein, Former Director The Overseas Briefing Center, US Dept. of State)

In this invaluable book Craig Storti compellingly answers the question: "Why does travel matter?" He differentiates between travel and tourism then makes the case that travel guarantees that the person who set out on a journey is not the same one who returns. His treasury of quotes vividly illuminates his points, adding rich context to this captivating work. The farther I got into this book, the more I wished I had read it 50 years ago. Craig captures concepts that took me a long time to learn on both about how the world works and about myself. His point: travel is both an inner and outer journey. (Sandra M. Fowler, President-Elect SIETAR USA)
Craig Storti 是华府跨文化沟通训练谘询事务所Communicating Across Cultures的创办人及共同董事长。《华盛顿邮报》、《洛杉矶时报》与《芝加哥论坛报》上常常可以看到他的文章。他撰写过六本书。他的人生有四分之一的时间都旅居海外,他现在则住在马里兰州。想知道更多他的故事,请上www.craigstorti.com
AcknowledgementsPrologue: A Murder in Loughborough
Chapter 1: Why Travel Matters
Chapter 2: A New Place
Chapter 3: New People
Chapter 4: A New World
Chapter 5: How To Travel
Epilogue: Our Insane Restlessness
Appendix A: Rules for Travel
Appendix B: Not So Fast: The Travel Cranks
Appendix C: Recommended Reading