• 你、我、我们:如何跟自己及他人共处
  • Io, tu, noi. Vivere con se stessi, l’altro, gli altri (You, I, Us. Living With Oneself, The Other, Others)
  • 作者:Vittorio Lingiardi
  • 出版社代理人:UTET(意大利)
  • 出版时间:2019年10月
  • 页数:160页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

与人共处的意义是什么?知名心理分析家Vittorio Lingiardi探讨了跟他人共处的艺术——以及其中最重要的一点,也就是我们如何与自己共处。作者结合了人际关系以及个人魅力,研究出与人共处的三种不同的精神层次:跟我共处、跟你共处、跟其他人共处。作者认为人们需要探讨这些关系,而探讨本身是一个美丽的旅程,让我们发现许多复杂以及多元化的存在。与人共处是一件困难的事,作者带着读者进入人类的心理分析跟他人共处的真正意义,以及希望达到真实的和平相处必须先从接受自己的支离的自我。
Vittorio Lingiardi是一位心理学家、心理分析佳以及意大利罗马的Universita La Sapienza的Dynamic Psychology教授。他是Sole 24 Ore的文化分报Domenica、Repubblica以及Il Venerdi的贡献者。他写过的书包括:Citizen Gay. Affetti e diritti (Il Saggiatore, 2016), Mindscapes. Psiche nel paesaggio (Cortina, 2017) 以及 Diagnosi e destino (Einaudi, 2018)。
“Lingardi’s is a dialogue between science and poetry, storytelling and psychoanalysis.” Il Venerdì - La Repubblica
“Vittorio Lingiardi skillfully recounts how complex and beautiful it is to reconcile with the many selves that reside in us and explains how to allow them to react harmoniously with the outside world.”Domenica, Il Sole 24 Ore
“In his beautiful essay, Vittorio Lingiardi expertly quotes S. Freud, D.W. Winnicott, M. Klein and many other pillars of psychology and of psychoanalysis and shows how love challenges every great theme of human life and how it can only be achieved when people find balance in their lives.” - Michela Marzano, La Repubblica
“Lingiardi is undoubtedly one of the most lucid minds in that great world in charge of investigating the human psyche.” - Il Manifesto