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  • 2050年,我们如何喂食地球人:世界粮食及农业政策地图集
  • Atlas de l’alimentation et des politiques agricoles (Atlas of Food and Agricultural Policies Around the World)
  • 作者:M. Philippe Ducroquet 以及Jean-Paul Charvet
  • 出版社代理人:Editions du Rocher(法国)
  • 出版时间:2024年2月
  • 页数:248页包括全彩图片
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

本书透过大量的图标以及地图来探讨32个不同国家的粮食以及农业政策。世界营养不良人口的数量每一年都在下降,这二年来从十亿人口降到八亿。但是欧盟的粮食及农业机构(Food and Agricultural Organization,简称FAO)还是希望能再2030年达到一个没有任何饥饿的地球,这个目标似乎达不成。我们发现营养不良的人数渐渐又开始上升,每个国家的趋势又有点不同,根据当地的政策以及资源都有不同影响。有资源的国家也不一定能成功的解决营养不良的问题。有些国家甚至没有资源,却很成功。这是为什么呢?




• Philippe Ducroquet is an agricultural engineer with a master's degree in food economics, and was director at several international agri-food companies until 1984. He then joined Crédit Agricole du Nord-Est, where he worked successively the international and then the agro-industrial sector. In 1991, he was nominated CEO of Cofinep, a subsidiary investment bank of the CANE , then, between 1999 and 2011, CEO of Unigrains, a financial union for the development of the grain economy.

 • Jean-Paul Charvet is an Associate and graduate from the elite Ecole Normale Supérieure, Doctor of the State and Emeritus Professor of Geography at the University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense. He is also a member of the French Academy of Agriculture.

 • Dario Ingiusto is a cartographer. He collaborates with Carto and Middle East magazines, as well as with Le Monde.