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  • 在工厂化农场当卧底
  • Amongst the Animals: Undercover in the Harsh Reality of Factory Farming
  • 作者:Roel Binnendijk以及Jeroen Siebelink
  • 出版社代理人:Lannoo Meulenhoff(荷兰)
  • 出版时间:2023年6月
  • 页数:320页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


作为消费者,我们有一个粗略的概念我们的汉堡、卡布奇诺或鸡蛋从哪里来,但是我们不知道(也不想知道)它们到底是从哪来。作者Roel Binnendijk却很想知道,决定花3年的时间在农场、牲畜运输以及大型屠宰场作卧底。他用隐藏的摄影机来收集证据,拍摄到不少针对动物的残酷行为以及针对员工的霸凌行为的画面。他的结果被国际媒体放大,在荷兰政治圈引起不少波动,引发了不少新的法律及政策。

在这本书中,我们跟着作者一起进入工厂化农场的内幕。人们到底怎么对待动物,而这怎么反应了我们的人性?是谁在犯法,只有工厂化农场业界吗?那些去做卧底的动物权利运动者为了调查工作而配合工作到底是对还是错?作为第一名荷兰的卧底,作者Roel Binnendijk透露了他冒着生命危险来揭发的内幕。


Roel Binnendijk is a criminologist. He got a job on an animal ambulance in an attempt to make society fairer and to do something directly for animals. He was amazed by the gap between the willingness of people to help animals in need and their indifference when it comes to the fate of invisible animals. He decided to make the invisible visible and to go undercover. He now works for Animal Rights.

Jeroen Siebelink is an investigative journalist and writes literary non-fiction. He has a penchant or do-gooders in diverse worlds. He has previously written the corporate biographies of The Vegetarian Butcher and the Party for the Animals. He also wrote the novel Pels, a story about a fur farmer based on real-life events.