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  • 消费主义世代的基督徒生活
  • Just Living: Christianity in An Age of Consumerism
  • 作者:Ruth Valerio
  • 出版社代理人:Hodder & Stoughton(英国)
  • 出版时间:2016年3月
  • 页数:336页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*      Amazon上五颗星好评
从古至今,每个时代的基督徒都面临共同的课题,那就是思考在他们身处的文化环境中,怎么做才是耶稣基督的追随者应有的行为。对于生活在21世纪的我们而言,现代的文化环境与脉络便是由全球化与消费主义所建构而出。本书作者Ruth Valerio本身既是环境学家也是神学家,她在书中运用严谨的学术理论,辅以实际的社会观察来探讨这些议题,别具冲击性且引人深思。
“There is a lot of bad theology out there, and bad theology is toxic. In Just Living, Ruth Valerio answers bad theology with good theology. But this book isn’t just about how we look at Scripture. It is just as much about how we look at the world. For too long Christians have used faith as a ticket into heaven and a license to ignore the world around us. So Ruth’s book helps us discover a Christianity that is fully engaged. Just Living is not just about how we think. It is just about how we live. So often our problem has not been right thinking but right living, and thanks to Ruth Valerio we have a new resource to help us live more better, more just, more beautiful lives”
—Shane Claiborne
“Just Living makes an important contribution to the debate on how Christians (and others) can live a wise ecology in the world today, neither losing sight of the need for radical change, nor being so radical in approach that they need to live in a world of their own. Its drawing on Christian tradition, particularly that of monasticism and of Aquinas, provides an important foundation for the practical decisions that we need to make in working for a just and sustainable society”
—Br Samuel SSF, Hilfield
“Just Living is a lively, compelling guide to a generous and faithful way of being alive, a way that can be shared between human and non-human life amid the realities of the contemporary context. It seamlessly combines personal refl ection, insightful cultural analysis, rich theological meditations and sage advice”
—Luke Bretherton, Professor of Theological Ethics, Duke University
“A book about justice that comes from the heart of a writer who has worked hard to live it out. Ruth’s integrity and humility on top of careful scholarship and passionate activism makes this a mustread for anyone concerned with putting God’s word into practice in today’s world. Informing, empowering and liberating”
—Dr Krish Kandiah, President of the London School of Theology and founder of Home for Good
“At its heart, this is an erudite and scholarly book... Ruth writes in a very accessible way. The practical suggestions in part three on how to adjust out living and attitudes are helpful and realistic.”
—Christianity Magazine
“Ruth Valerio explores how to live well in our globalised, consumerist world... For a church book group or for individuals ready to wrestle with hard questions and complex issues, this clearly written book could be a great resource.”
—Reform Magazine

“Never glib and always judicious, Valerio completes the book with an outstanding final practical section...an excellent read for anyone with a concern for issues of globalisation, climate change and justice and who wanted to consider making further practical changes in their own life. “
—Ministry Today

Ruth Valerio身兼许多社会角色,包括学者、作家、基督徒、小区运动人士、环境保育人士,关心诸如环境与宗教等议题。她是国际基督徒生态保育团体「盘石国际」(A Rocha)的英国教堂与神学部主任,也是世界上第一间公平贸易珠宝公司Cred Jewellery的董事。另一方面,她也为人母、人妻,甚至自己当起农夫在家养猪、种菜。
Valerio为Christianity 与Third Way等杂志写过许多文章,大量探讨了争议、环境、生活风格的议题。她的畅销著作有L is for Lifestyle : Christian Living That Doesn't Cost the Earth,内容讲述了永续且友善生态的生活方式。