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  • 给全人类玩的电玩游戏
  • Videogames for Humans
  • 作者:Merritt Kopas等人
  • 出版社代理人:Instar Books
  • 出版时间:2015年4月
  • 页数:575页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagecny.com
本书由Twine的作者兼游戏理论家Merritt Kopas负责编辑,号召数字Twine作者、文学作家、游戏制作人、游戏评论家进行多方对谈,相互讨论、交流。内容绝对出乎众人意料,定义出全新的游戏文化。

“With each chapter in Videogames for Humans I immediately felt a specific kind of affectation I often associate with Twine games—contemplative, slow, mysterious and exciting. These are games that often beg for reflection and context, and it’s apt that artists working in a medium as seemingly antiquated as interactive fiction are developing works of digital play and storytelling with such depth.”
VICE Motherboard
“Videogames for Humans contains fascinating conversations with Twine creators curated by Merritt Kopas. And if it sells enough copies, a Twine version is, of course, to be constructed.”
The Guardian
“Videogames for Humans contains invaluable criticism presented by thoughtful voices. . . Those who are at least somewhat familiar with Twine shouldn’t pass up this massive, engaging tome.”
Paste Magazine
“[Kopas has] gathered Twine game creators and critics to annotate and discuss one another's works—the result isn't just a unique angle on games criticism; it's a gathering of many of the most prominent creators in that unique space.
Boing Boing
“There are a great many stories sandwiched between the covers of Videogames For Humans—too many to list in detail here. If you’re remotely curious, then I suggest you get a copy of the book and try them out for yourself...a showcase of just what Twine can do...”
Neon Magazine