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  • 骂小孩少一点,爱他们多一点
  • Yell Less, Love More: How the Orange Rhino Mom Stopped Yelling at Her Kids – and How You Can Too!
  • 作者:Sheila McCraith
  • 出版社代理人:Fair Winds Press
  • 出版时间:2014年11月
  • 页数:208页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
The Orange Rhino Challenge的创造人Sheila McCraith 挑战所有读者接受Orange Rhino30天的挑战,在这30天内实行她的所有指示以及推荐,让你成为更快乐的家长。犀牛(Rhino)是一个平常很平静的动物,但是被激怒的时候一定会向前冲去攻击。而橘色犀牛( Orange Rhino)就是一个温暖、有毅力的家长,不会因为生气、失去耐心或者心情不好而利用言语去攻击他人。
作者是知名的部落格家The Orange Rhino(www.theorangerhino.com)的真实名字。她有四个儿子,都是4岁以下。2012年的1月,当一位她被一位陌生人看见她在大声责骂自己的儿子的时候,她当下发誓自己一年365天不能骂儿子们。她决定利用部落格记录她的365天经验,没想到大受欢迎,而更重要的,她成功了!她的故事被Parents杂志报导过,更获得“2013年最有可能帮你达成目标的部落格”。她的文章“我停止责骂孩子后学到的10件事”在网路上造成旋风,更被Huffington Post刊登。许多育儿网站包括babycenter.com、mothering.com、everydayfamily.com、allparenting.com、families.com等等都报导过她都故事。
"With wisdom and humor, Sheila quickly becomes an encouraging friend and mentor who gently teaches you how to manage your frustrations while building your self-confidence. You'll have fun reading this ultimate self-help book and will find yourself turning to it for love, support, and guidance when you fear you may be losing ground." â?? Laura Deutsch, co-founder of Mommybites (mommybites.com)
"This reviewer doubts there's a parent among us who didn't wish she yelled less, but here's one who actually learned how. Blogger McCraith (The Orange Rhino Challenge, theorangerhino.com), horrified at being "caught" by her handyman screaming at her four young sons, embarked on a challenge to go 365 days without yelling. In this title that combines personal story and everyday parenting tips, the author shares how she reached her goal and offers readers a 30-day condensed version for doing the same. "Orange ­Rhinos" ("determined and energetic people who choose not to charge with words") have many options here, including easing into change, gaining awareness, and practicing trigger management. Each day contains tips for mood awareness and specific actions depending on if you're feeling cool, warm, or hot, such as screaming into the toilet and flushing away the rage and squeezing Play-Doh to a pulp in lieu of yelling. VERDICT Beautifully designed, with slick, heavy-duty paper and full-color photos and sidebars throughout. McCraith offers a practical, mom-to-mom approach to curbing the anger-guilt cycle that will likely resonate with readers more than the typical psychological examination of emotional regulation." â?? Library Journal
"An absolute MUST read for all parents. Sheila's friendly, honest voice is like a dear friend helping you through and cheering you on!" - Melissa Kaye, co-founder of Mommy Business (mommybusiness.net)
"Yell Less, Love More is a quick-witted and lighthearted read written by a mom who has been there and isn't afraid to bare all, from her fist-pumping wins to her most embarrassing lows. Sheila doesn't sugarcoat or finger-wag, she walks with you. I finished the book with an overwhelming feeling that I can do this; I can yell less and show my kids that love is what I have for them. This book is how we're all going to get there - sanity, humor, and heart all intact." - Galit Breen, blogger, writer, mama of three, and converted yeller
"This book is a lifeline to regain hold of your sanity and help you stop yelling at your children. With Sheila's practical and doable ideas you can uncover the calm and caring parent you always hoped you'd be. She doesn't make you feel guilty; she empowers you and shows you how anyone can start from today and truly Yell Less and Love More." - Alissa Marquess, founder/editor of CreativeWithKids.com
"If you want to stop yelling at your kids, this is the book for you. There's a reason parents flock to read the Orange Rhino online - she helps us feel better about ourselves as parents when we blow it entirely - and who doesn't, sometimes? She inspires us to dig deep and try again. But as delightful as this book is to read, it isn't just a feel-good book. It's a full-blown program to stop yelling, complete with day-by-day action steps, revelations, and original, powerful tips. Yelling is a hard habit to break, and we have to work on ourselves as well as change how we interact with our children. As you follow this program, you'll be able to feel your brain rewiring. And in a few months, you'll look back and realize you can't remember the last time you yelled. Well-organized, motivational, funny, supportive, and EFFECTIVE!" - Dr. Laura Markham, www.ahaparenting.com
"I loved every word of this book. Sheila's advice is honest, humorous, and most important, effective! As a clinical social worker and a mother of two young daughters, I highly recommend Yell Less, Love More both personally and professionally." - Carla Naumburg, Ph.D., author of Parenting in the Present Moment
"The Orange Rhino's (a.k.a. Sheila McCraith's) parenting guide and memoir, Yell Less, Love More: How The Orange Rhino Mom Stopped Yelling at Her Kids - and How You Can Too!, shares more touching personal stories from her journey to stop yelling as well as manageable actions, practical tips, and genuine, loving support so that you too can succeed on your own journey to yell less." - Huffington Post