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  • 设计童年:物质世界如何塑造独立孩子
  • The Design of Childhood: How the Material World Shapes Independent Kids
  • 作者:Alexandra Lange
  • 出版社代理人:Bloomsbury(美国)
  • 出版时间:2018年6月
  • 页数:416页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
在这本书中,知名建筑师Alexandra Lange讨论了孩子们的小世界里的大大影响。我們不会去多考虑的小东西如何影响出孩子的行为、价值感,甚至健康。多年来,玩具制造商、建筑师、城市规划人到底如何帮助(或者阻碍)我們孩子走向独立的路。从公园里的沙坑到家门口的大街,每样东西、每个地方都是有角色的。这本书会改变你如何看待孩子——以及自己——的世界。
Alexandra Lange是一位建筑师以及设计评论家,她的文章以及评论出版在各大设计杂志、《纽约》杂志、《纽约客》、《纽约时报》等报刊。她拥有纽约大学美术学院的20世纪建筑历史博士学位。她写过的书包括:Writing about Architecture: Mastering the Language of Buildings and Cities The Dot-Com City: Silicon Valley Urbanism以及 Design Research: The Story that Brought Modern Living to American Homes。她住在纽约。
 “Lange skillfully explores how the design of children's toys and built environments reflects evolving philosophies of child-rearing and development . . . Powerfully remind[s] readers of the importance of constructing spaces that make all people, including children, feel both welcomed and independent.” –  Publishers Weekly
“An informative road map for those who want to maximize their children's material environment . . . Parents and educators will discover a wealth of information to inspire and help 'make childhood a better place.'” –  Kirkus Reviews
“An eye-opening look at how well-meaning designers, operating under the influence of ever-shifting philosophies, have long attempted to foster children's motivation and competence while, at the same time, keeping them safe, entertained, and out from underfoot. We applaud Lange's insight that - even if it inconveniences or worries the grownups of today - kids of all backgrounds deserve toys, school buildings, and playgrounds that will help cultivate the active, creative, inquiring grownups of tomorrow.” –  Joshua Glenn & Elizabeth Foy Larsen, authors of UNBORED,
“From the Lego-covered living room rug to the contested streets of our contemporary cities, one of our greatest voices on design and architecture casts her eye, and critical acumen, on the spaces that children inhabit - and the way children inhabit those spaces - and the results are nothing short of spectacular. The Design of Childhood is like a secret guidebook to a landscape in which we all dwell, but so often fail to see” –  Tom Vanderbilt, bestselling author of TRAFFIC and YOU MAY ALSO LIKE,
“In a world in which stealthy corporate marketing and the allure of devices are consuming our children's attention and spirit, Alexandra Lange's learned and original perspective reveals the impact of enlightened design in stuff and spaces, old and new.” –  Wendy Mogel, PH.D., New York Times-bestselling author of THE BLESSING OF A SKINNED KNEE,
The Design of Childhood is an extraordinary book. Peering through the lens of children's play, Alexandra Lange deftly reveals the remarkable connection between freedom, creativity, and fun.” –  Debbie Millman, host of Design Matters and author of LOOK BOTH WAYS,
“Like a fairy tale with the capacity to enthrall adults, Alexandra Lange's wonderful book about design for children is, in the end, the story of design for all of us. Lange's account of the way kids play, learn, and live has lessons for anyone who cares about the crafting of products, places, and experiences” –  Michael Bierut, partner of Pentagram and cofounder of Design Observer,
“With curiosity and a satisfying thoroughness, Lange examines the decisions-however seemingly minute-toymakers and architects make and how these can affect children's behavior, values, and health in subtle ways.” –  Surface
“[A] captivating design history.” –  Nature
““[Lange] writes with both an academic's expertise and a journalist's hooks and accessibility . . . Lange's survey shows how kids learn to be creative, social citizens in these different spaces.”” –  Booklist