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  • 我的儿子不说话
  • The Accidental Teacher : Life Lessons from My Silent Son
  • 作者:Annie Lubliner Lehmann
  • 出版社代理人:University of Michigan Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:初版2008年四月
  • 页数:180页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagecny.com
*获2009 Special & Exceptional Needs 银奖
Annie Lehmann 的儿子Jonah 有严重的自闭症,但Jonah却让Annie学到人生最重要的课题。《我的儿子不说话》是一部感人的回忆录,Annie在过程中找到的不是疾病,而是自我。在这本书中,作者真知灼见,用幽默的口吻讲述这个精采且充满大智慧的故事。忠实呈现Lehmann 一家,面对这么一位几乎都不说话的成员时,真实的生活样貌,也讲述了在Jonah成长过程中,全家遇到的挫折和喜悦。人生中,不管是过去、现在甚至是未来,难免会遇到大挑战,如果你已经经历过或着现在正在挣扎中,那你一定要看这本书!如果你还没遇到挑战,也应该要看!原来,面对困境时,我们可以这么做…
"Jonah Lehmann is an accidental teacher of others, including his family and friends. This personal and touching account of Jonah's life is enlightening, especially to those coming to terms with similar challenges with autism and other cognitive disabilities. It was written with love to support research on autism, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone touched by those of us who are different." 
—Patricia E. Kefalas Dudek, Legal Advocate for People with Disabilities
"I have never read a book about a disabled person that caught me from page one. I could not put this one down. Lehmann offers a profound perspective on living with the reality of a severely disabled child. This book will be required reading for students who take my class in Special Education Administration." 
—Frances LaPlante-Sosnowsky, Associate Professor of Education at Wayne State University
"A story of the astonishing power of human love and family triumph over hardship. Lehmann's story, engaging and at times both heartbreaking and joyful, offers an intimate view of one mother's journey as she works with professionals and a blur of caregivers to assist the ever-changing needs of her son. I highly recommend it to seasoned professionals in the field of autism and students preparing for careers in special education." 
—Janet E. Graetz, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Child Studies at Oakland University
"Annie Lehmann has written a story of the astonishing power of human love and how families can triumph over hardship while discovering themselves along the way. Her story is engaging and at times both heartbreaking and joyful. Even seasoned professionals in the field of autism would benefit from reading this intimate view of one mother's journey as she works with professionals and a blur of caregivers to assist the ever-changing needs of her son. Her 'silent son' certainly does become the teacher to all of those lucky enough to share in his story. I highly recommend this book to all professionals involved in the lives of individuals living with autism and for students studying special education. As professionals we all need to keep this story in our hearts as we move forward to address the needs of children with special needs and their families."
—Dr. Janet E. Graetz, Oakland University
"From the perspective of a wife and mother, I found the book to be an emotional awakening as to how it must feel to completely open your life and home to a revolving door of caregivers and therapists-the loss of privacy and intimacy is felt throughout the book. From the perspective of an educator, we are reminded over and over of the importance of the team process; it is a book worthy of reading and passing along. It begs the question how do we individualize programs to derive educational benefit while focusing on quality of life issues?"
—Sherryl A. McLaughlin, Ed.S, Oakland University
". . . a parent's unique, insightful, keenly articulate, self-analysis of living with the trials, tribulations, and traumas in her life with her son Johah . . . [Lehmann] shares with us her disappointments and disillusionments, the false hopes, the empty theories and therapies the family pursued, and alludes to the predatory commercialism that preys on parents grieving for their hopelessly disabled children . . . Though a little book, it is abundant in wisdom, with much to offer to the special education teachers, administrators, and relevant professionals, but especially to parents . . . The Accidental Teacher will be required reading in my graduate-level courses in special education administration."
—Frances LaPlante-Sosnowsky, Wayne State University
"I am an attorney who guides clients through the bureaucratic, and often confusing and conflicting rules and regulations concerning children with special needs and the elderly, and I recommend Annie Lehmann's The Accidental Teacher to any professional who wants to truly understand their client's needs and goals. Lehmann's articulation of problems of navigating the school and health care bureaucracy and how to overcome them is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in the field of assisting children with special needs."
—Harley D. Manela, Attorney
"The Accidental Teacher is a vivid, heartfelt, well-written account of a family with a son with autism. Annie Lehmann is a fine writer, a great storyteller and an extremely knowledgeable and thoughtful, caring mother. My students will love it"
—Catherine Lord, Ph.D., Director of the University of Michigan Autism and Communication Disorders Center (UMACDC)
"The book is terrific---wonderfully honest, thoughtful, engaging, and well written. It provides a thoughtful view of autism from a parental perspective and is an excellent resource for future educators and professionals."
—Gary B. Mesibov, TEACCH Division, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Annie Lubliner Lehmann当自由作家已经超过25年的时间了,她的文章刊在许多报章杂志上, 包括:New York TimesDetroit Free Press。她有三个孩子,她现在其中两个及丈夫住在密西根。她最大的儿子,也就是这本回忆录中的主角Jonah现在已经是青少年,目前住在自闭症机构。