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  • 大自然、太空以及时间里的数学
  • Mathematics in Nature, Space and Time
  • 作者:John Blackwood
  • 出版社代理人:Floris Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2011年5月
  • 页数:216页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*本书是华德福教育系统(Steiner-Waldorf)的两本数学课本,Mathematics Around Us以及Mathematics in Space and Time结合为一的最新版本。
John Blackwood拥有近30年的机械工程设计经验,之后受到Lawrence Edwards的启发开始研究植物几何学。他之后开始在悉尼的Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School教书,在那里设计了一些数学课程。他设计的课程之后也被New South Wales的教育部接受。他的另外一本书Geometry in Nature在2012年出版:http://www.peonyrights.com/jiantishuji/kexue/2013/1204/394.html
'The book is a fine example of how a teacher can stimulate interest in his pupils. It is clear that [the children] have much enjoyed what they have learnt.' 
Ron Jarman, Archetype: Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain newsletter, March 2006 

'A treasure trove of ideas for class teachers with additional tasks for gifted students. Impressive presentation … which can inspire experienced and new teachers alike.' 
-- Hella Kettnaker, Erziehungskunst, June 2007 

'This is an exciting and unusual book … There are explorations of art, culture, nature, accurate drawing and model making with a wide range of photographs and diagrams. This book is written for the teacher to use with 13/14 year olds and is more of an exploration than a manual but many non-specialists would enjoy this book as well.' 
-- Education Otherwise, Feb 2007