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  • 黑暗的房间
  • La habitacion oscura (The Dark Room)
  • 作者:Isaac Rosa
  • 出版社代理人:Seix Barral(西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2013年12月
  • 页数:256页
  • 已售版权:法国丶荷兰丶马其顿
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
“Definitely one of the best novels of the year”, Ricardo Senabre, El Cultural.

“Writers (…) of this quality only come along every now and again” Juan Ángel Juristo, Cuarto Poder.
本书叙述了这年代的年轻人的内心压力以及担忧。他们对於未来充满了不确定,而这是一个全球的年轻人都可以理解的困扰。作家Isaac Rosa是他这一代最代表性的作家之一,被El Cultural选为西班牙当代文学最重要的12位作家之一。
Isaac Rosa出生於1974年,出版过许多书,包括 ¡Otra maldita novela sobre la guerra civil!, El vano ayer,这本书在2005年获得 Romulo Gallegos丶 Ojo Critico以及 Andalucia Critica 奖项,这後更被改编成电影。El pais del miedo 被J.M. Lara基金会的编辑们选为年度最佳好书,本书也将被改编为电影。
 “Isaac Rosa has established his position in the top rank of writers with The Dark Room, it’s an excellent metaphor for contemporary Spanish society. (…) This is a writer at the height of his stylistic powers (…) Isaac Rosa’s literature achieves a unique kind of playful consciousness” J. M. Pozuelo Yvancos, ABC cultural.

“Excellent proof that literary fiction continues to be both a valid and exact tool with which to interpret and understand unpleasant realities” Fernando Valls, Babelia.

“An excellent novel” Domingo Ródenas, El Periódico de Catalunya.

“The writing spurs fascination, joyful abandonment and intense reflection. Let us congratulate Isaac Rosa on his great novel” Fernando Aramburu, El Cultural.

“A lucid portrayal of his generation” Ana Mendoza, Noticias de Navarra.

“One of the most committed writers in the country” Heraldo de Aragón.

“A necessary novel (…) The room grips you” Sergio Sancor, Libros y Literatura Blog.

“Isaac Rosa. The Dark Room. I recommend it very highly.” Àngels Barceló, Cadena Ser.