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  • 小胜利女神
  • LA DÉESSE DES PETITES VICTOIRES (The Goddess of Small Victories)
  • 作者:Yannick Grannec
  • 出版社代理人:Editions Anne Carrière(法国)
  • 出版时间:2012年8月
  • 页数:468页
  • 已售版权:美国、德国/奥地利、西班牙/拉丁美洲、荷兰、意大利、捷克、俄罗斯
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*   本书获得“2013年书商奖“(Prix des Libraires 2013/Booksellers Prize 2013)
*   有英语书稿!
*   本书关于了一位天才的自我消灭,以及自我牺牲的意义,这是一本文学化的真实故事!
1980年的普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)。年轻又充满雄心的图书馆员安娜(Anna Roth)在档案部门工作。有一天,她接到一项任务:想办法争取到二十世纪最重要、迷人及难解的数学家Kurt Gödel的私人档案。为了达成这个任务,她需要得到这位伟人的遗孀Adèle的信任。问题是,Adèle因为丈夫的死亡而感到生气以及不快,于是想报酬,故意不愿意把这些有丰富的科学价值的档案交过去。
Yannick Grannec住在 Saint-Paul-de-Vence曾受过工业设计的训练,现在做平面设计。她同时热爱数学。这是她的第一本小说。

« It is first of all impossible to put down... a requirement that I have noticed always pays off. It is also a book where one learns while having fun...  history, mentalities, philosophy, mathematics not to speak of life itself. The author's incredible intelligence and insights in the human soul and her uncanny understanding of unhappiness and resilience bring the book on a level where the fact that it is a book in " translation" becomes irrelevant. It is as universal and transcendental than mathematics itself! »  Judith Gurewich, OTHER PRESS (U.S.A)
« Intelligent entertainment, an extraordinary love story, insights in the private life of famous people and revealing historic information : this novel is a perfect potpourri of fiction and facts, laced with a good portion of humor. »  Christina Kindl, ECOWIN Verlag (Austria)
« A loving wife + a brilliant mathematician = a couple from Hell, and the perfect subject for a novel » Olivia de Lamberterie, Elle
« The portrait of a woman who’s both free and a prisoner, invincible and devastated... (...) A very fine novel about love and loss, capable of making the story of one exceptional being genuinely moving. » Florent Georgesco, Le Monde des Livres
« The most intelligent book I have read for a very long time. »
Jean-Louis Ezine - Le Masque et la plume, France Inter
« La Déesse des petites victoires is precisely what you call a superb novel. »
Pierre Assouline, Le Monde.fr
« Yannick Grannec brings us a breath-taking first novel about the Gödel couple (…) »
 Laurent Lemire, Livres Hebdo
Albert Einstein used to say: ‘I only come to the Institute to have the privilege of walking home with Gödel.’ Gödel, little-known to the wide public, led a legendary existence. He was a living god of the Olympus that was post-war Princeton, but also a man afflicted with severe mental disorders. In this first novel, Yannick Grannec has brought off the tour de force of painting a great fresco of the 20th century, an ode to human genius and a profound novel on the function of love and the finality of life.