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  • 避风港
  • Lufar Seguro (Safe Place)
  • 作者:Isaac Rosa
  • 出版社代理人:Seix Barral(西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2022年3月
  • 页数:312页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

*本书获得2022年Biblioteca Breve文学奖,评审团的评语:“Isaac Rosa paints a brilliant portrait of three generations of rogues from the same family who take advantage of the system cracks. A novel that is captivating and uncomfortable and that reflects, through irony and controversy, the moment of uncertainty in today's society” 这个奖项在拉丁美洲以及西班牙语系国家有非常重要的地位,许多诺贝尔文学奖作家都获得过这个奖,比如Mario Vargas Llosa, Elena Poniatowska 或 Fernando Aramburu。Mario Vargas Llosa曾说过:“The Biblioteca Breve Prize has been decisive for many writers in Spain and Latin America in their efforts to reach a broader public and to get their books into the hands of readers on both sides of the Atlantic”。


Segismundo Garcia是一位落魄的商人,认为他这次找到了人生难得的商机:将便宜的地堡卖给社会最底层,在全世界恐慌世界末日的时候给他们生存的希望。Segismundo正存在自己的经济以及私生活低潮,跟儿子以及父亲的关系都不好。这三代的流氓一心只想提高自己的社会地位,但命运让他们一次又一次的失败。




作者Isaac Rosa出版过的小说包括:Happy Ending、Another Dam Novel About The Civil War、The Futile Yesterday(这本书在2005年获得Rómulo Gallegos, Ojo Critico and Andalucia Critica Prizes奖,之后改编成电影)以及Country of Fear(这本书被J.M. Lara基金会选为年度最佳小说,也即将改编为电影)。他同时是一名报刊专栏作家以及短篇故事作家。他的作品已被翻译为许多不同语言。


"The best Biblioteca Breve Prize that has been awarded so far in the millennium. So demanding, so opportune, so refreshing, so full of strength”, Manuel Rodríguez Rivero, Babelia, El País.

"Rosa builds a literature of non-resignation, a literature that, formally and conceptually, denies what is assumed, what is reiterated, mere humming. Because the literature that matters, and that of Isaac Rosa is, far from humming, it is dissident ", Anna Maria Iglesia, La Lectura, El Mundo.

"The very timely new novel by Isaac Rosa [...] speaks to us of surrender, docility, renunciation of utopia, of those who, faced with fragility, do business, no matter what it takes", Laura Barrachina, El Critical Eye, RNE.

"Safe place is a criticism of a society doomed to individualism in which we have assumed dystopia, instead of continuing to dream of utopia", Laura Barrachina, Las Mañanas, RNE.

"A novel that, between jokes and truth, suggests that another, more humane future is possible", Jesús Ferrer, La Razón.

"A scathing criticism wrapped in humor about class resentment", Pilar Martin, Efe.

“Issac Rosa proposes a funny story that criticizes the new age philosophy and self-help, the self-deception of citizens to find an explanation and consolation for their own circumstances”, Now that I read, La Sexta.