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  • 沉船之后
  • From the Wreck
  • 作者:Jane Rawson
  • 出版社代理人:Picador(英国)
  • 出版时间:2017年 (AUS)、2019年(UK)
  • 页数:272页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*本书获选2018 澳洲最佳科幻小说奖——《奥瑞丽丝奖》(Aurealis Awards) ,这是澳洲版的Arthur C Clarke奖,科幻小说界的最高奖项!
*获选 Shortlist 围名单 :Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature 2018、Readings Prize for New Australian Fiction 2017以及Barbara Jefferis奖
*获选 Longlist 围名单:Miles Franklin Literary Award 2018以及Voss Literary Prize
*作者本身的曾曾祖父在这艘SS Admella船上

故事背景设定于1850 代,SS Admella号沉船的真实历史事件。 这艘客运蒸汽船在1859年在南澳州海沉船。幸存者等了整整八天的时间才看到海岸,眼睁睁地看着一次又一次的拯救行动失败。穿上总共有113位乘客,最后只有24位幸存者,其中包括了作者的曾曾祖父。24位幸存者之中只有一位是女性——Bridget Ledwith。关于这位女性,没有人知道她的背景以及故事,她到今天都是一团迷。目前,一切都是忠心于历史发生的事件。但是就在这里,作者开始发挥她的虚构能力。
作者把这位神秘女姓Bridget写成一位从异度空间来的变形外星人,为寻求庇护来到地球,并且为寻找同类而不断变形,不仅曾经化身过女人、猫咪,甚至还变成为乔治儿子身上的胎记等等。 乔治幸存后的人生开始跟变形外星人产生错综交织的关系。 这听起来很荒谬,但是作者处理地方式不会读者觉得莫名其妙,反而是看到了其中的美丽、孤独、依赖以及希望。宇宙上所有的生物,不论是人类、动物、植物或者外星物体,都是互相依赖的。
一个被沉船记忆附身的人遇上一个消失无影且不断变形的外星人,这两者之间到底发展出什么样的故事情节?作者以大胆实验的虚构风格加上细腻文笔创造丰富万变的人物情感对话。在这本混合真实事件与幻设情境的小说里,作者顺势影射出当当今迫切的议题—— 人类、环境与物种之间互相依赖生存的重要性。

'Strange and affecting... Rawson... has the rare talent of stretching our capacity to believe, while at the same time making us feel genuinely for the characters. There’s a beautiful quality of empathy here, light and aching... I was reminded of the gentle quality of Steven Spielberg’s ET... An intriguing tale whose humanity lingers warm long after the reading.' ——The Australian
'Truly unique and disquieting...The novel's... opening chapters establish its fundamental binary... We are at home in the well-made novel, the past brought convincingly to life... Only pages later, a second path is marked, utterly denuded of these trappings – a first-person voice of Beckettian force speaking from lightless depths... For the novel's remainder these two seemingly disparate approaches circle each other, occasionally – and horrifically – combining... What Rawson has ingeniously forged with From the Wreck is something approaching an old-fashioned historical yarn spliced with Cronenbergian body horror... The commonplace rubbing shoulders with the supernatural adds to the book's considerations of mourning and absence a vivid hue... a genuine tension and sense of dread.' ——Sydney Morning Herald
'From the Wreck is an ambitious novel, and it is fascinating for its hybridity, its willingness to bend and blend genres – as well as perspectives and worlds. Animated by deep curiosity and wild imagination, it is a fascinating exploration of what these might bring to the stories we tell about the past' ——Australian Book Review
‘It’s hard to find the right words to praise this novel. I think we need a whole new critical vocabulary to be invented. Rawson recreates a vanished historical world with utterly convincing characters as well as inhabits the mind of a cephalopod alien and make us feel, in both cases, yes, that’s exactly how it is. Jane Rawson’s writing is mysterious, chilling and tender. The book is a sort of miracle.’ ——Lian Hearn
‘Rawson’s clear, lyrical prose—with its deep undercurrent of empathy—creates a breathtaking and revelatory reading experienceFrom The Wreck borrows from science-fiction, history and magical realism, forming a whole that is utterly unique and distinctly Australian. This is a masterpiece.’ ——Bookseller & Publisher
'This strange story of love and loneliness, which explores how we all long to belong, is simply wonderful... Jane Rawson’s writing is uncannily good — an original blend of speculative fiction, chilling horror and emotional empathy, fluidly carrying the reader along on a remarkable journey.' ——Daily Mail 
‘The power of this singular novel lies in Rawson’s ability to meld seemingly disparate narrative elements into a convincing whole that movingly explores themes of loss, loneliness and guilt.’ ——Guardian
‘An absorbing, disturbing read, full of deep currents and lurking fears.’ ——Adrian Tchaikovsky Arthur C Clarke Award-winning author of The Children of Time
‘[A] haunting and marvellous speculative novel From the Wreck is really quite extraordinary… I was reminded especially of John Wyndham’s Chocky – and yet there is something tender and fragile and edgy that sets Rawson’s work apart’ ——Nina Allan, BSFA Award-winning author of The Rift
'This book had it all for me; originality, wonderful writing, a brilliant twisting plot, fantastic characters and some themes within it that you can really get your teeth into' Simon Savidge
'Beautifully written' ——SFX
Jane Rawson 出 生成长于澳洲坎培拉。之前曾任《Lonely Planet》的旅游编辑兼作家以及《澳洲独立媒体》( The Conversation)「环境与能源」专栏的编辑。目前定居墨尔本,她定期关注人类对于环境造成的影响, 而其所带来的思忧都回归反映到她精彩的小说世界 。 《From The Wreck》是她第四本小说。