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  • 破碎的睡眠
  • Broken Sleep
  • 作者:Bruce Bauman
  • 出版社代理人:Other Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2015年10月
  • 页数:约480页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
Moses Teumer是一个平凡的男人,只是他刚被通知自己患有白血症,必须进行骨髓移植。于是,他开始寻找骨髓捐赠者。他得知他的母亲不能捐赠给他,因为她其实不是Moses的亲生母亲。Moses决定找出他的亲生父母亲,却在这个旅程上揭发了Teumer以及Savant两家之间的恩怨情仇。
Salome Savant是Moses 的亲生母亲。她是一位前卫的艺术家,一生进进出出精神病院。 她的儿子,也是Moses的异父兄弟,Alchemy Savant,是世界知名摇滚乐团的主唱。但是,他离开了乐团,决定加入一个政治运动,希望革命2020年的美国。他的死党以及助手Ricky McFinn从少年感化所到成为乐团的贝斯手,一路跟在Alchemy旁边。
Bruce Bauman是一位小说家。他得过许多奖项以及奖学金,包括COLA (City of Los Angeles) Fellowship in Litera­ture、Durfee Foundation grant以及UNESCO/Aschberg Fellow­ship。他的作品在《洛杉矶时报》、Salon、BOMB、Bookforum以及许多文学选集以及文学杂志里面出版过。他在加州艺术学院的写作硕士班担任教授,也是Black Clock 文学杂志的资深编辑。他出生于纽约,目前住在洛杉矶。
“Broken Sleep is a stunning, original, unpredictable novel, with a mix of wild voices and riveting, driving stories.  I love all the characters—the rebel Salome, sad Moses fighting for his life, the incredibly charismatic Alchemy, the much abused Absurda, and that troublesome Mindswallow. The world that Bauman imagines is chilling and vivid, and there is an abundance of wisdom throughout the book, with startling insights on every page. The novel is a brilliant success—brave, wonderfully eccentric, utterly confident and engrossing.” —Joanna Scott, author of De Potter’s Grand Tour
“Broken Sleep could be considered the author’s great American retort to Stephen Dedalus’s declaration in Joyce’s Ulysses that ‘History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.’...Bauman’s philosophical, humorous, and compelling storytelling ponders many different riddles of exile—personal, political, artistic with an always acute eye and an unfailingly intense empathy.” —Anthony Miller, critic and author