• 《当我们展开翅膀》 + 《当我们展翅高飞》
  • When We Had Wings + When We Flew Away
  • 作者:Tami Shem-Tov
  • 出版社代理人:
  • 出版时间:2012以及2020
  • 页数:203页+270页
  • 已售版权:When We Had Wings售出英语版权、日语
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

《当我们展开翅膀》When We Had Wings



Winner of the 2014 Andersen Honor Citation      

Winner of the 2013 Lea Goldberg Prize for Children and Youth Literarture 

Winner of the 2012 DafDaf Prize

Winner of the Public Libraries Prize for Children's literature



《当我们展开翅膀》是一本给青少年的历史小说,关于世界上第一家民主孤儿院。这家孤儿院再1912年波兰华沙成立,由犹太知名教育家、小儿科医师以及作家Janusz Korczak创办。Korczak花了他的一生服务孩子,希望给孩子一个尊严的生活。三十年来,这家孤儿院由孩子们自己管理,是数百位犹太孤儿充满爱心的家。孤儿院由自己的法庭、宪法以及报纸。孩子们能享受文化以及运动,他们担任了院里的厨师、清洁工等等。这所孤儿院被称为“孩子们的伊甸园”。

书中的主角Janek Wolff是一名流浪青少年,被送到这所孤儿院后他的人生从此改变,成为一位坚强、老实、充满爱心的孩子。故事的结尾是二次世界大战的开始,Korczak说服Janek离开波兰,于是救了Janek的命。Janusz Korczak自己则在1942年被纳粹处死,原因是他不愿意抛弃孤儿院里的犹太孤儿们—这些孩子最终都被送到集中营。

"Sweeping, excellent writing and especially exciting.... a beautiful book." --Mor Assael, Laisha, women journal

"Tami Shem-Tov is a true child writer, and one of the most outstanding ones ... captures the heart until it is hard to leave it. Highly recommended for parents as well." --Marmelada, Atara Ofek, editor

"A literary work of exceptional humanistic. Shem-Tov showed how to tell a fascinating and shaking story in a clear and simple way."  --From the judges to the Leah Goldberg Prize for Children and Youth Literature

《当我们展翅高飞》When We Flew Away



Tami Shem-Tov is an award-winning author. She has written biographies, stories based on true events, and historical novels for children and young adults. Her books have won the Bialik Prize 2014, the Israeli Public Libraries Award 2014, the Prime Minister's Prize 2011, the German Children's Literature Award 2010, the Yad Vashem Prize 2007, and the Ze'ev Prize 2008; 1999. Her books were translated into six languages.