• 《罗马AD》图像小说系列
  • Ad Romam
  • 作者:Yvon Bertorello、Hubert Prolongeau、Arnaud Delalande、Eric Stoffel、Serge Scotto;插图:Boris Talijancic、Michel Espinosa、Frederic Allali
  • 出版社代理人:Editions du Rocher(法国)
  • 出版时间:2020年-2021年
  • 页数:每本60页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


《奥古斯都的奖杯》Le Trophee d’Auguste 


"To the emperor Caesar Augustus, son of the divine Julius, great pontiff, acclaimed imperator... the Senate and the Roman people, because under his leadership and auspices, all the Alpine peoples who stretched between the upper and lower seas were subject to the power of the Roman people. »

Pliny the Elder

《马吕斯的沟渠》Les Fosses de Marius

在这第二本,主角Blaise以及他的朋友们认识了Fossae Marianae,地中海最重要的古老港口之一,同时也认识了大将Gaius Marius。我们的主教们需要帮忙阻止一次犯罪行为,拯救美丽的Prisca的父亲!

Marius had a wide ditch dug, in which he diverted a large part of the river "... the ditch was deep enough to hold large vessels, and its msouth in the sea was united, and sheltered from the shock of the waves. (it) is still called the Marian Trench today. »

Plutarch (46 - 125 AD)

《退伍军人的阵营》Le Camp du Legionnaire

这一次,我们的主角们来到了第二及第三世纪,见识了两名罗马皇帝的统治,以及他们的所有敌人:Hadrian,诗人及哲学家,拥有和平的名誉;Caracalla,拥有嗜血的疯狂。这本书带着读者到Alexandria,从罗马的Via Julia Augusta到Cemenelum,这里的圣杯传说持有Hercules的魔力!我们的年轻主角们能及时阻止Caracalla危险又冲动的行为吗?

"Hadrian, successively going through the provinces, examining the lands and cities, inspecting all the fortresses, all the ramparts,... loyally supervising and controlling himself [...] Dion Cassius: Roman History LXIX, 9

« Caracalla had such a passion for Alexander, that he used certain weapons and certain cups as if they had belonged to this prince [...] » Dion Cassius: Roman History LXXVII, 7