*根据统计以及国家图书馆的报告,作者 Yochi Brandes是以色列最被阅读的作家前三名之一!她的每一本书都令人期待,而她直到最近才愿意开放售出外语版权!她的独特个性更使她拒绝接受任何奖项!她在2008年的畅销作品Kings III在上个月售出英语版权给美国St. Martin Press。
《阿奇瓦的果园》 被书评认为是作者最大胆以及有企图心的作品。甚至有评论家称这本书为一个“文化奇迹”(cultural phenomenon),因为这本书取代了《格雷的五十道阴影》三部曲,成为以色列各大报纸畅销排行榜上的第一名。这是一本刺激读者的思考的书。本书的中心故事关于真实历史人物拉比阿奇瓦(Rabbi Akiva)与他的妻子Rachel之间的关系。他们在拉比40岁,还是一位无知的牧羊人,的时候认识。当时她背着父亲的反对嫁给了阿奇瓦,并在结婚后说服他研究托拉(圣经旧约的首五卷)。因为Rachel的坚持,阿奇瓦成为以色列人民之间最明智的人。他更发明了一个翻译系统“Midrash”,能够帮助每一个新年代的人更新圣经,让犹太人永远不会绝灭。但是,他不但没有感激妻子,更抛弃她好几年。Rachel的人生受到不少折磨,被丈夫抛弃却又无法跟他离婚。
本书是作者Yochi Brandes最有野心的作品,她重新幻想了拉比阿奇瓦的人生,从他还是一位无知的牧羊人一直到他成为充满魅力的灵魂领袖。
"Akiva’s Orchard is the novel we’ve been waiting two thousand years for. I read it in one sitting. The novel breathes life into the first century AD, and turns the anonymous group known as the wise elders into complex individuals with separate, defined personalities." Shara Blau (author), TV Channel 2
"This novel is the work of a wise scholar who weaves together hundreds of Midrashim and Jewish laws. Yochi Brandes makes a contemporary statement without shrugging off the past." Rabbi Shai Piron (Minister of Education), Galatz radio
"Akiva’s Orchard exposed Judaism to me in such a different way than I had ever known before as an Israeli Arab. It’s a must-read for each and every person’s private library. I’m running off right now to buy all of Yochi Brandes’s books." Lucy Aharish (critic), TV Channel 2
"I read Akiva’s Orchard with bated breath and with great pleasure. Alongside the engaging thriller, packed with surprises and twists, alongside the interest I took in Brandes’s psychological and national interpretation of several of the formative Talmudic stories, I enjoyed the story as if faced with a riddle." Dr. Gili Zivan, Makor Rishon

- 阿奇瓦的果园
- Akiva’s Orchard
- 作者:Yochi Brandes
- 出版社代理人:Asia Publishers(以色列)
- 出版时间:2012年
- 页数:365页
- 已售版权:
- 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com