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  • 柏林终曲:德国帝国的最后日子
  • Berlin Finale: The last days of the Reich capital
  • 作者:Heinz Rein
  • 出版社代理人:Schoffling(德国)
  • 出版时间:2015年1月重新出版(原版1947出版)
  • 页数:760页
  • 已售版权:荷兰
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*   有英语样章
*   本书在1947年出版的时候很快成为畅销书,当时售出8万册!
在这本精彩的经典历史小说里,作者Heinz Rein回述了1945年在柏林的战争最后日子,以及一个反抗组织惊心动魂的宿命。
1945年4月,柏林被炸弹轰炸,纳粹政体在进行最后的抵抗。在大量的难着民以及正在解散的德国军队人群之间,SS军人以及盖世太保仍然在寻找犹太人、持异议着以及逃亡者。在这一切的混乱之中,一位年轻的军人Joachim Lassehn在寻找一个躲藏处。Friedrich Wiegand,一位贸易工会会员,在集中营里面被虐待后希望透过蓄意破坏来加快战争的结束。Walter Böttcher医师希望帮助那些到“地下”生活的人继续生存下去。而Oskar Klose的酒吧成为了反抗组织的会议场地,他们已经被SS盯上了。
Heinz Rein的这本小说叙述了这些人在这个历史性的时刻的不同命运,带着读者进入当时混乱又刺激的1945年柏林。
Heinz Rein在1906年出生于柏林,在1920年代在银行工作过,接着做过运动记者。他的写作在1934年被纳粹统治者禁止,他曾经被盖世太保拘留过。1945年之后,他成为德国行政机关的苏联占领地区的文学顾问,之后成为一位自由工作作者。他在1991年去世。
»A wonderful rediscovery at the exact right moment.« Deutschlandradio

»Among the best Berlin novels, sitting alongside Hans Fallada's 'Every Man Dies Alone' and THE STUDENTS OF BERLIN by Dieter Meichsner. Well defined characters (...) reveal a panorama of a National Socialist Germany at the time. It is the captivating story about the destruction of Berlin, a raging accusation, a moving contemporary document, unputdownable. (...) FINALE BERLIN asks questions historians struggle with until today: Why did the Germans follow the Nazis? Why did they fanatically obey their orders until the very end?« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»FINALE BERLIN places a unique historical testament into our hands.« Fritz J. Raddatz, essayist and journalist

»A felicitous journalistic discovery! (…)  FINALE BERLIN is one of those novels that need to be valued beyond their artistic quality. Its most significant merit lies in bearing witness, in being a testimonial, a powerfully raw historic document. The novel’s void of form only adds to its directness. It was written with an ultimate purpose: Not to forget one single detail of what the author witnessed in Berlin in April 1945.(…) The very first scene illustrates the essence of the novel: It offers a portrayal of both the inner and outer destruction of Germany by the end of the National Socialist terror. Not only the city of Berlin lies in ruins, but also the souls of its inhabitants. A feeling of distrust pervades social interaction, betrayal has become the order of the day, armed self-defence a standard reflex. In a tyranny, any sentence is a potential trap, any place a potential danger. The text maintains a thriller-like tension from the first to the last page.« Deutschlandfunk

»A novel which consciously strives for historical accuracy.« Hans Mayer, literary scholar, author and critic

»You finish this big book in two evenings, it won’t let you go. That’s how it was, back then in Berlin.« Frankfurter Neue Presse

»An important rediscovery. A precious piece of educational, documentary-like fiction with the city of Berlin as its true main character.« Bayerischer Rundfunk

»A wealth of facts of the last days of war in Berlin. Together with the gripping story of a resistance group this is a novel putting all previous publications of this kind firmly into the shade.« Neues Leben

»The book grips you, compels your sympathy, repels, enthuses… BERLIN FINALE is a reckoning of accounts, it compels the reader to think and to process intellectually what it describes.« Allgemeine Zeitung

»FINALE BERLIN is a historical document of the highest rank, outshining Plivier in its artistic quality. Heinz Rein evolves the writing style which was constructed by Erich Maria Remarque and others during World War I. He uses the present tense to bring the particular present age to mind.(...) In an overwhelming array of impressions, we witness the horrid eradication of the Reich capital and a large part of its population with all of our senses, breathless, until the bitter end. A rare linguistic achievement.« Die neue Literatur

»A captivating reportage-novel (...) a foaming confession of an anti-faschist and a big show of rapid and striking scenes (...) making you tremble, bringing tears or shock.« Österreichischer Rundfunk, Ö1 Ex Libris