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  • 命运钟摆
  • 作者:Adam Hamdy
  • 出版社代理人:Headline (英国)
  • 出版时间:2016年
  • 页数:496页
  • 已售版权:捷克
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
寻常的日子、寻常的百姓John Wallace,不知名的连环杀手却突然闯入家门,Wallace还处在一片茫然时,脖子就已经被杀手套上致命的绳索、悬在梁上动弹不得。他看着眼前的嫌犯,脸戴口罩、全身黑色装扮,这人到底是谁?是谁要这样置他于死?脖子上的枷锁是命运的钟摆,一松一紧都能决定Wallace会惨死抑或幸存。
啪!就在霎那间,命运的钟摆眷顾了他,Wallace逃出绳索、奔出公寓,开始亡命天涯。但是钟摆依然持续摆荡,一分一秒都是与命运的竞赛。他不但要摆脱紧追在后的凶手,更要查出自己被追杀的原因。凶手究竟何许人也?为何专门盯上了Wallace,还有其他英国人、美国人?曲折危险的旅途、错综复杂情节、不断交错的场景,精神病院、监狱、数字网络世界…时而让人紧绷的惊悚、时而让人亢奋的正面冲突,如果你喜读泰瑞海耶斯的《朝圣者》(I Am Pilgrim)、爱好约翰葛里逊,那你千万别错过《命运钟摆》!
As soon as I started reading the partial for Pendulum, I knew that I had to publish it. Adam is incredibly talented and his background as a screenwriter means that his action scenes literally jump off the page. This is a brilliant novel about how we interact with our friends, family and more importantly strangers in this increasingly connected world. It’s a world of infinite possibilities and incredible dangers and Adam explores it with a skill that is both analytical and exciting. I couldn’t be happier about helping Adam bring the Pendulum world to the reading public.
Vicki Mellor, Deputy Publishing Director for Fiction
“I read Pendulum in one gloriously suspenseful weekend. Definitely one of the best thrillers of the year”
—James Patterson
“Saved this book for my holiday read, hoping it would last me at least a week. Unfortunately, it only lasted three days,as I couldn't wait to reveal the next twist in the plot. For this is indeed a very twisty, psychological tale, with elements of horror, romance, high-tech cyber-crime, road movie and loads and loads of action.”
—starred review
Adam Hamdy成为作家以前,曾在许多产业担任策略顾问、指导企业经营。现在他除了是小说家,也是剧作家、电影制片,与英美两地的制作人和工作室都有合作。除了自己的原创,Adam的戏剧作品有些改编自漫画或小说,例如David Mitchell所著的《九号梦》(Number9Dream)。《命运钟摆》是Adam的第三部小说,目前他和妻子与三名子女居住在施洛普郡。