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  • 最后的朝圣者
  • The Last Pilgrim
  • 作者:Gard Sveen
  • 出版社代理人:Vigmostad og Bjørke(挪威)
  • 出版时间:2013年
  • 页数:520页
  • 已售版权:巴西、捷克、丹麦、芬兰、德国、冰岛、意大利、荷兰、波兰、斯洛伐克、瑞典、美国
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*      Gard Sveen的小说处女作,甫推出便广受好评!
*      荣获2013年的挪威犯罪小说(The Riverton Award)大奖、2014年的玻璃钥 
匙大奖(The Glass Key)、2014莫里斯汉森(The Maurits Hansen Award)新人奖,而Gard Sveen更是史上第一位同时拿下这三项大奖的作家!
Agnes Gerner是名年轻貌美的挪威女子,她正暗地密谋一场危险的抗争运动。表面上她对纳粹绝对效忠,未婚夫是事业有成的商人。然而事实上,她是地下反抗军的一员,不惜一切也要打赢对德之战。她心爱的男子另有其人,以「朝圣者」这个代号在外行走,两人若是想团员,唯一的希望就是击败德国人。不过,谁也不能保证纳粹垮台后,Agnes Gerner会落得何种下场…
时间来到现代,家事服务员一如既往地来到Carl Oscar Krogh家里,却发现门口大敞,但没有人来帮她应门,平常总是兴奋狂吠的猎犬也无丝毫动静。房子周围一片死寂,静得吓人。她轻手轻脚地绕过房子,来到屋里客厅,却发现Krogh陈尸地上,死状凄惨…另一方面,有人在森林里发现了三具无名尸骨,包括了两名成人和一名孩童,似乎都是二战时期的亡者。固执的警探Tommy Bergmann不顾长官反对,坚持要深入调查。甚至,他还发现这几具尸体,或许和Carl Oscar Krogh的谋杀案有关。Tommy Bergmann能不能抢先凶手一步,揭开这背后的犯罪疑云?在这段过程中,他又会被领向哪一条历史道路,发现尘封的过往、揭开被灰土所掩盖的秘密?
二战时德国不断拓张、进占他国,挪威被迫在英国建立流亡政府。少部分挪威人 索性投靠德国,也有人不愿放弃反纳粹。本书的灵感源自谜样的真实事件,以逝世的挪威反抗军英雄Kai Holst为原型,耸动的犯罪事件、吊诡的历史谜团,让人一陷入便欲罢不能!
“A really strong debut The plot keeps twisting continuously and cultivates the well-motivated elements of surprise.”
Pål Gerthard Olsen, Aftenposten
“We seldom see a debut novel that is as nicely composed or well-written as ‘The Last Pilgrim’. … If Sveen can keep the drive up in his following Tommy Bergmann novels we have a lot to be thankful for.”
Sven Gjeruldsen, Tvedestrtandsposten
“An artwork in chracterbuilding
This book has everything I love about crime. A spectacular mystery that I can’t figure ot until the very end. Solid and believable characters throughout. A ‘slow-crime plot’ where people don’t get killed or dismembered on everyother page. A story with several layers on top of the obvious suspense asset. Great writing where the author dares to be both narrative and descriptive. All of this can be found in ‘The Last Pilgrim’. 
‘The Last Pilgrim’ is without a doubt the best piece of craftsmanship I have seen in Norwegian crime in many years. That the book has won two such prestiogious awards is right and proper. … If you just read one single crime novel this year ..., well then you have to read this one.”
Geir Tangen
“Gard Sveen’s debut crime novel is a mix between political crime, political thriller and historicalpsychological drama, digging deep into the forces that drivs a person to perform extreme actions. ...‘The Last Pilgrim’ is a thriller par excellence.”
Lars Ole Sauerberg, JyllandsPosten
“The Last Pilgrim’ is brilliantly orchestrated, and it delivers an captivating tale of the German occupation and the Norwegian resistance. … This is where the novel really flexes its muscels… Gifted, genre conscious and with something to say.”
Morten Hesseldahl, Weekendavisen
“He manages to write vividly and realistically about the life of the many Norwegians who put there lives down in the fight for freedom. In the same way that he manages to tell the story of those who couldn’t go the distance, but acted out of their own personal gain and interests.”
Mie Petersen, Kristeligt Dagblad
“Never a dull moment in this lovely story that is extremely interesting and beautifully portrayed. A very strong debut by Gard Sveen that has yet to meet its match.”

《地狱之门已开》Hell Was Open
作者:Gard Sveen
出版社:Vigmostad og Bjørke(挪威)
警探Tommy Bergmann在奥斯陆发现了一名浑身重伤的年轻妓女,这让他前想起多年前上任第一天碰到的案件。当年的连环杀人凶手Anders Rask是学校老师,残害了多名女性,如今在狱中接受严格监管。然而,现在Tommy Bergmann眼前
本书为警探Tommy Bergmann系列的第二集,Gard Sveen又一部完美的犯罪小说。骇人又悬疑的犯罪手法、深不见底的人性黑暗,让人从头到尾毛骨悚然、屏息以待,作者引领大家进入书中各角色的心理世界,无论是被害者或是加害人, 内心深处都藏着不为人知的疯狂。
“Sublime eeriness from Gard Sveen
He [the author] quickly finds his flow in the story and keeps it throughout. Possible suspects abound without it ever being difficult to keep them apart. Tommy Bergmann is a man with somber secrets, someone who gives a gritty realism and an important gravitas to the story. The eerie atmosphere that builds up is reminiscent of the one we’ve met in the Lars Kepler books; we can’t trust anyone, least of all Tommy, the hero who doesn’t even trust himself. […]  The author received the Riverton Award for his debut, but this year’s crime novel is even sharper.”
Maria Årolilja Rø, Adresseavisen
“This novel pulls the reader into humanity’s darkest caverns, into the gates of hell. Gard Sveen serves up literature that makes the reader follow raptly from the very first sentence… It all builds up to a masterful thriller and Gard Sveen makes a rock solid ending. He kills it!”
Rune Fjellvang, Romerikes Blad
“It’s dark as hell even on a bright day. […] The sense of paranoia slows the pace down a bit and creates a very effective atmosphere in the book. I am drawn to the pseudonym Lars Kepler to find something similarly grotesque and scary – Kepler has, not to forget the psychological angle, also moved in the same environment.”
Stina Håkensbakken Roland. Oppland Arbeiderblad
“This is a great crime novel where most of the action takes place out in the “field.” […] the suspense built gradually and half way threw I had serious problems putting it down, and so I finished it in two days”
Anne Lise Johannessen, Barnemix (book blog)
“Tough as nails and pitch-black police procedural with a nod at the Thomas Quick scandal. The best Norwegian crime novel this year.”
Harald Birkvold, Stavanger Aftenbladet

《与恶魔共舞》Dance with the Devil
作者:Gard Sveen
出版社:Vigmostad og Bjørke(挪威)
上一集《地狱之门已开》故事尾声中,警方对外宣称已经找到连环杀人凶手的尸体,但是Tommy Bergmann不买单。他坚信真正的凶手依然逍遥法外,甚至还掳走13岁的少女Amanda。
在《与恶魔共舞》这集中,固执的Tommy Bergmann是唯一认定连环杀人凶手没有死的警探,他锲而不舍地一路追查,希望能救出生死未卜的无辜女孩。Tommy沿着渺小的线索四处打探,而他在搜索凶手屋子的过程中,发现了不少关於东正教分支「阉割派」的资料,包括了去势男子与乳房和手臂都被切除的女子的照片。他也发现了凶手留下的字迹,写着「与R吃晚餐」。凶手口中的R又是谁?

Gard Sveen除了是犯罪小说家,平时也在挪威国防部担任高层顾问。The Last Pilgrim是他写的第一本小说,也是Tommy Bergmann警探系列的首部曲。本书刚在挪威上市,便引起读者与书评家热烈讨论,更史无前例地一举拿下三座大奖。上一位同时荣获挪威最佳小说奖与钥匙大奖的作家,是1998年的Jo Nesbø。